First Google result:
An in vitro study. No animals were tested. Highly speculative conclusions with no context as to dosage or ranking compared to other chemicals.
In other words agitprop.
Food grown in good dirt contains countless good bacteria. These good, living bacteria are siphoned up into the vegetables, fruits and nuts, herbs and seeds we eat. They are virtually alive with these living bacteria. When we eat fresh, alive vegetation these bacteria not only take up residency within our GI tracks, being very beneficial in many ways, they also are absorbed into our bodies. They bring life giving properties to our entire bodies. Our bodies become alive with them.
Soil that is treated with dead chemicles kill off the living properties within the soil. Plants will grow, but will now be essentially only a shadow of the living, thriving, live transferring plants that they should be. They can for a time sustain us in an unhealthy manner, but they cannot cause us to truly flourish.