“DNA testing”
Whatta scam.
You would do better to trace your own family tree. I’ve managed to trace mine back 3 generations - to Germany.
Cannot go further than that as the area “suffered form an abundance of fire bombing” during WWII. No records to research. (shrug) my Great-Grandfather was gone long before that...like 1875.
The ads would have you believe they can tell you who your G-G-Ggranpa was, where he lived, etc, etc.
As I said, whatta load.
I agree. Working on my tree and validating sources; I see no reason for one of these DNA tests.
And the vapid courage one receives from only a 3% African ancestry as opposed to the wimpy 58% northern European lineage gives one that extra courage to face the world as a minority!
I have mine traced to the Caesars in some instances. I believe it back to about the 1500s. Have been doing genealogy since about 1983. Have been in America a VERY long time.