“...had their registrations placed in limbo because of some kind of mismatch with drivers license or social security information....”
What? More crooked scumbag Democrats? Trying to cheat in an election? Why, how can that be??
They will find a liberal judge to go along with this. If we are lucky then the courts will get much better under Trump and all of those liberal judges will get slapped down. Fraudulent votes destroy the power of legitimate ones. With the right to vote comes the responsibility to properly register.
“”Kemp has said that those currently on the “pending” list will be able to vote in the coming election provided they can show approved identification at their polling places, which is already required by the state. Provisional ballots will also be made available in case related disputes cannot be sorted on the spot.
The Campaign Legal Center, however, is concerned that voters who cast ballots by mail will not have that opportunity, and if their ballots are rejected under the “exact match” rule — and they do not successfully navigate the bureaucracy within a 26-month window — they could see their names purged from the voter rolls. The current law allows the state to remove “inactive voters” who miss three cycles. This, Lang said, could speed up those removals.””
About time that the election supervisors challenge people to show proper ID in order to vote. There are too many people on the registration rolls that should not be there. If they have ID to prove they are authentic, then there should be no problem.
No ID-—No Vote
Voting Rights Act: Signed into law in 1965 by LBJ to get black American citizens to vote for the DEMS.
National Voter Registration Act: Signed into law in 1993 by the DEMS to allow NON-CITIZENS to vote.
Desperation, attention seeking ploy.
Ke mp is the next Governor of Georgia..
"Some kind of mismatch." The article doesn't explain what sort of mismatch concerning SS or driver's license information is involved here, but is most aspects of life a mismatch concerning SS or driver's license information brings things to a halt until the mismatch is cleared up.
Just another case where some groups want no rules enforced when it comes to ensuring that only properly registered US citizens participate in our elections.
So you don’t have to be who you say you are??
Pointless suit. They are already allowed provisional ballots
Hope they don’t plan to appeal to the Supreme Court.
He he he.
Going no where. Kemp is enforcing GA law. Basically what the scum bag Democrats are demanding is he break the law because they KNOW they cannot win an honest election
we moved from Gwinnett county to Hall County (GA). when i voted, with ID, i was informed i was provisional. no big deal. my vote counted; i was informed by the state in US mail.
Founded and originally funded by the KGB. just wow.
We have voter ID in bama, but my driver’s license doesn’t match my voter registration because one has first name, maiden name, married name and the other has first, middle, married name. Long convoluted story how I ended up with it this way. In bama I just explain if they ask and no issues. Have to go get birth certificate to get it changed on license and just haven’t done it yet...lol
Been in the same house for 26 years - getting ready to move just before the Nov 6 elections but will leave my address the same until after....going to put the house on the market after we make the move to a temp apartment so we have the luxury of “being sure’...