I remember thinking during the Obama years that if I were taken hostage while traveling, I’d be out of look, especially if it were in a Muslim country.
Oh, the embassy might have gone through the motions, but I had the feeling that as a white hetero citizen, I was expendable, not making a fuss over.
Trump has, IMHO, stood up for Americans seized abroad.
The old days of the British empire mounting punitive expeditions over abuse of their citizens are long gone, but at least Trump is standing behind us to the extent possible today.
Gut-punching the jerk Turks until they puke up their Christian hostage is a Mighty Moral, you pillow-biting Lefties.
With "The Catcher From Kenya", all the evangelicals would gotten was a pair of Presidential underwear stained yellow and brown, from when The One soiled himself while bowing to the Turks.