Yet, many continue to vote for The Democrat Thug Party.
This explains the Rise of Trump. For those who still can’t figure out what happened to them.
PC is sooo Kempeitai and Anti 1st amendment.
I really really hate the overuse of the word “really.” It’s a viral plague.
PC = unAmerican!
I looked at her and said, "That's completely retarded".
Her mouth dropped. Glad I have grey hair.
Then there is the whole unexplored wilderness of
“Mis-Gendering” somebody.
I’m just waiting for Burger King to receive a class action lawsuit from a group of angry Transgenders.
Why? Because when they spoke into the microphone and gave their orders, the kid inside responded by saying “Thanks for your order SIR! SIR??
How was he to know he was speaking to a Pre-Op-Trans ‘Woman’
who still sounds like the actor James Earl Jones?
“The British study group came to these results, without aiming for them”
I’m sure at some time an American one has too, and/or the lib media, they’re just not gonna report on it.
I wonder what the percentage is for those who are attending or recently graduated from US indoctrination camps AKA college.
They must have forgotten to ask the gender-fluid Nike-wearing urbanites that decide what Americans think and like.../s
So to get their 65%, they say Traditional Conservatives are outside the mainstream but Traditional Liberals are within it. That’s BS right there.
Blacks: 75 percent
Whites: 79 percent
Asians: 82 percent
Hispanics 87 percent
American Indians: 88 percent
Whoa. The Left has found it convenient to persistently call for a political dialogue so long as they get to control what their opponents say. Doesn't look like many people are buying it.
I had a public speaking class, and my young, Asian professor thought me rather ground-breaking. Instead of the trite, politically-correct presentations that most of the other students put together, I chose very topical, pro-America, anti-PC speeches. Ended up with an A- in the class, just for speaking my mind. Today, I'd likely send most of the students to a safe room.
Thank you for referencing that article Liberty7732. Please note that the following critique is directed at the article and not at you.
With all due respect to mom & pop, please consider the following.
Since parents are not making sure that their children are being taught the federal governments constitutionally limited powers as the Founding States had intended for those powers to be understood, while both Democrats and Republicans wrap themselves in the Constitution, neither political party actually respects the feds limited powers imo, Democrats being the worst at disrespecting those powers.
When the states finally wise up and repeal the 16th and ill-conceived 17th Amendments, the repeal amendment needs a provision that prohibits political party support for federal elected officials imo.
Political Correctness is Not American...
As far as I’m concerned, alleged American citizens who profess adherence to this peculiarly understated phenomenon of evil called “political correctness” ought of nature to be immediately executed with a bullet to the back of the head.
Study: Political Correctness is Collapsing!!!