I agree. Our daughter has two sons, the youngest is 18.
She was over the other day and was livid talking about the way Dems and activists treated Justice Kavanaugh.
She brought up how all men are likely to be vulnerable; sons, husbands, fathers, etc. if that character assassination on just the word of one person and no evidence isn’t stopped.
I was proud of her, she’s normally a quiet well mannered person and not prone to get into political rants.
The selfish dimwhit women on the left apparently have never been the parent of a little boy/young man who was sexually abused. But then they like to kill their babies before they are even born.
For half a million years the leftist dimwhit demanded a society without prejudice even after they instituted slavery. And now they want us to discriminate based on the possession of certain sexual organs! They weren’t satisfied with dark skinned slaves even after teaching those women how to kill their young.
Now they want to either kill or enslave all males except for the ones who chopped their snoods off.
These women are sick. I honestly wonder how their husbands can bring themselves to “do” them.
This is why I’ve expressed disdane for women leaders of any kind.
As a woman, I know how nasty and ugly hearted women can be. There certainly are some good ones out there, but darn, we’re few and far between.