Refused to accept the results?
Ask AlGore what to do.
Yes... Algorezeera had lined up 100’s of college “students” trained in questioning voted ballot’s validity and sent them to FL. How do I know— we were there at the recount. Pretending to be “one of them” but local— got the whole story. The gorezeera campaign paid for airfare, and hotels for these little weasels to come and sit alongside repub loyalists and question each ballot they could. The ballots were held up for view by.... COUNTY workers (to include the lawn mowing and trimming crews, sewer workers etc. who had NO clue). The gorezeeras had a prepared form for each ballot they could question— describing what the ballot had “wrong” (like being voted for Bush.. lol), and consisted of hundreds of affidavits submitted to the judge overseeing the process— to rule on them!! This is HOW democrats want votes to be counted/decided by one of their judges.
Next day- the repub local organizers got a complete challenge sheet of our own (we didn’t have one). From— me. Having a photographic memory made it easier to develop on office computer and print out several hundred— to also be copied by the recount repub committee and put to use right away. It worked... negating what these little bastards were trying to do— stack the recount with affidavits for a judge— and STEAL the vote. That and a day later “finding” sealed precinct ballot bags “mislaid” in the trunk of a democratic sleazeball’s car. Kid you not.