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To: Mark17

It begins in the home...

I recall a Pastor preaching to men about this very thing. He basically said that men have ‘yielded’ the headships of their homes and families to women who’ve been conned by feminists and deceived by the media’s push.......that all they need to do is take it back.....TAKE IT BACK!

It’s a great time to be a guy....why do you think God gave this nation a fighter? Because ‘men’ need to see and remember how to do that and every real woman out there knows far too many have forgotten how to do that....or yielded to the feminist howlers..

I’ve watched our men stand up since Trump and be the men they are.....just as we’re watching the GOP leaders stand who forgot what it is to fight. It takes a strong leader to lead this nation...and the men of it who have gotten squishy or/and yielded their God given place.

25 posted on 10/06/2018 10:03:58 PM PDT by caww
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To: caww; lurk; Secret Agent Man; 2ndDivisionVet
that all they need to do is take it back.....TAKE IT BACK!

If we lived in a perfect world, that might be true. We do not, however, live in a perfect world. If some guy decides he is going to “take it back,” from a femininazi, who isn’t about to give it up, she bangs her head on the door, and calls the cops. I know a former co worker who had that happen. His wife wrote him a letter in county jail, apologizing for lying about it. He immediately took the letter to jail staff, and he was released. His first step, was to find a good divorce lawyer, and he dumped her.
The man’s place of authority, has been willingly given up, or been taken with brute force, by feminazis (men and women both) in the government. It’s good Trump is a fighter, and men are starting to fight back, but this evil, has been with us for MANY decades, and it will take many years for the pendulum to swing back to the middle. I got me one of those “Asian blow up dolls,” from the Philippines, since they have a different mindset. 😁

32 posted on 10/06/2018 11:59:09 PM PDT by Mark17 (Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. In the beginning GOD....And the rest, as they say, is HIS-story)
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