The democrats as they stated in the past few weeks have fully embraced Venezuela style socialism and mouth frothing communism. I fully expect to hear the old 50's-60's conservative battle cry "better dead than red' pop up soon. That phrase indicates losing the fight, I think "Better dead IF red" is better indicating winning. Who would have thought fighting commies politically and fighting the commie mobs would happen twice in a lifetime ? Oh well, my Redcatcher label is over 50 years old and i'm more than willing to fight the good fight again even if it's on our streets instead of a jungle, it's the same enemy.
Well, red diaper babies are now professors indoctrinating a whole new generation of mind-numbed robots. George Soros, Tom Styner? (billionaire from CA) and others are funding the radical Leftie groups with limitless amounts of money. I’ll also join you to fight to our death for God and country. Lock and load.