Conservatives" (actually seriously a misnomer) admit that their perspective has a name Liberals (also seriously a misnomer) - including journalists - hold the naive conceit that their thought is just what is. And anyone with a different view is off the reservation and can be dismissed/ignored.
- sophist
- 1542, earlier sophister (c.1380), from L. sophista, sophistes, from Gk. sophistes, from sophizesthai "to become wise or learned," from sophos "wise, clever," of unknown origin. Gk. sophistes came to mean "one who gives intellectual instruction for pay," and, contrasted with "philosopher," it became a term of contempt. Ancient sophists were famous for their clever, specious arguments.
- philosopher
- O.E. philosophe, from L. philosophus, from Gk. philosophos "philosopher," lit. "lover of wisdom," from philos "loving" + sophos "wise, a sage."
"Pythagoras was the first who called himself philosophos, instead of sophos, 'wise man,' since this latter term was suggestive of immodesty." [Klein]
Just so we are clear.
Conservatives are Ass*oles for pointing out truth?