I graduated High School in 1973 ans shortly thereafter joined the Army and rarely came home.
My “good stuff” was boxed up and thrown in the attic while stuff like cloths, etc were donated or thrown away.
20 years after I retired my mom shipped me a big box that had my school yearbooks, Boy Scout stuff and what I now consider junk in it. Still was cool to look through.
I am not saying it NEVER happens, but other than my yearbook and my diploma, I couldn’t find you any document, let alone my appointment calendars, from any of my high school or college years....
I understand some people are far more organized and anal retentive than others.... but the idea someone knows and can find an appointment calendar from 40 years ago, is a bit odd to me.
This whole thing is a hit job, and anyone with a few neurons firing knows it at this point... This is going to backfire big time on the Dems, but he Republicans need to man up a bit....