Native Texan here There is a Federal Migrant program that has been in existence for many decades that utilizes migrant workers who travel all across the USA in the season for picking cotton, fruit, vegetables, dairy, etc. It is HUGE. Every migrant worker has a green card allowing them to perform their work. I was involved in the public education end of all these things. It was my responsibility at one time to help track all the children of these migrant workers who must also travel with their parents. We worked across state lines helping these students have a consistent education, as well as tracking health records. I have not been involved since the early 90s. Today, even the service industry (that has been booming in Texas) has made the choice of using undocumented workers in order to pay a slave wage. I seriously doubt many of these ranchers needing their cotton picked or processed at a gin can afford the fines and prosecution that goes along with hiring these workers. Perhaps they do..... but neither Party seems insistent on standing up to employers paying workers under the table. Shameful.