I have found nothing in this the least bit funny, and it is wobbly and spineless GOPeers who have helped put Kavanaugh and his family through this anguish. Feinstein should have been removed and censured for her antics. She just threw whatever reputation she had for being a "reasonable" liberal onto the garbage heap of history. She would be done but for the Republicans.
And I think most reasonable people are ready to roast the entire GOP if Kavanaugh is not confirmed. But that doesn't make it a done deal.
This is about as funny as a battalion of marines clearing out dug in Japanese with machine guns, bayonets, flame-throwers and grenades.
Our country and the lives and fortunes of honorable people are on the line here.
We've been getting told this type of hyperbole since Clinton and his shenanigans - most people listen to FM don't follow this stuff like you do and therefore don't care enough to start CWII over it.
We didn't know Dianne Feinstein was crook and chinese pawn? You really think the other crooks in the senate (all of them) are going to do something about it now?
We didn't know that republican senators were doche bags before this?
We didn't know they had no spine before this?
This is theater for political junkies and nothing more we will be no nearer or further from civil war due to the Kavanaugh hearing. All that has happened here is the democrats have further damaged their electoral prospects while making the next justice on the supreme court more aware of the culture war - and hopefully more conservative.
The country survived clinton and obama it will survive this as well.
The whole thing is so transparent as to be predictable and so poorly executed to be laughable. I find that funny.
Not funny- but that clearing-out assured that the targets would not return to create more havoc. This clearing out will be less effective, mores the pity.