Strength in platitudes? What the heck. Protect your family and get out of there.
Typical liberal, will do everything normally, good luck with that honey. Once that power goes down and the roads are blocked you are going to find out how on your own you really are the real world is a harsh and unpleasant task master.
We lived through a snow storm in December 2009 which started on a Friday evening around 5:30pm. After about an hour the heavy wet snow started toppling trees and the power was out. We had candles, water, canned and dry food, flash lights, extra gas and propane gas logs to keep us warm. We live in the boonies and all night long I listened to sound of cracks and pops like gunfire from huge trees breaking and then the thud of them hitting the ground and the close ones shaking the house and hoping I had cut the wood line back far enough to keep them out of the house.
When we got up power and phone lines were down and on my road from my house to the main road were 19 large trees down across the road. My 10 year old son said lets wait for the county to come cut them up. I said you are going to get cold and hungry even with our supplies before that happens. We used an ATV with a snow blade and a chain saw. Me, my wife and oldest son we started cutting that morning and it took all day just to clear a path to the main road and when we got there it was a war zone, with trees down everywhere but places where citizens with saws and chainsaws had cut their way through, not waiting for the government to show up.
Three days later we got our power back. A week later we got the main road totally clear. A month later we got phone service. All through this we kept knocking back the trees on our road. About three or four weeks after storm the county came through and completed the clearing of our road to their satisfaction.
The initial day after the storm because we were prepared we was able to take our kids to my parents house which still had power and they stayed there for three days and we were able to go get a shower and hot food if needed. But my wife and I stayed at the house at night and when those gas logs were turned off you had better be bundled up and under the covers as it got down in the 50’s inside the house. This dingbat is about to get a real education, she is not going to have a place to go to with power and food for a while. I just hope her kids or some first responder does not pay with their lives for her utter stupidity.