I remember Jones going after George Bush in 2008 saying he’s part of the globalist movement/government. At the time I thought he was a liberal nut extremist. Then I watched George sit on his ass and say nothing during the Obama administration but chirp like a bird when Trump took office. Alex may be nutty but I learned my lesson by not ignoring things so easily just because I don’t like the messenger.
You're not the only one. The Bush cabal conned, deceived and hoodwinked millions of Republicans. ☺
[I remember Jones going after George Bush in 2008 saying hes part of the globalist movement/government.]
I certainly haven’t heard very much stuff from AJ. But I would say he’s pretty spot-on there. Look at how W has sucked up to Obama and Hillary. Just like Daddy and Jeb!.
And who do they all hate? The anti-NWO, pro-America, pro-American worker President Donald Trump.
How ba da.....
He’s a “conservative conspiracy nut” today, but during the Bush years, Jones was the darling of the fringe Left for the reason you give. They counted him as an ally. If another Bush-type establishment RINO of the sort Trump trounced in 2016 were in office instead (say JEB!, for example) , Jones would be going after him. Then Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and all the rest would have his back and wouldn’t dream of banning him.