That said, this is a virtue signalling move (a really cheap shot) which will no doubt cause a certain percentage of their current and potential customers to #walkaway yet not increase their existing base.
I, for one, will never buy a Nike product from here on out, though I have bought plenty of athletics shoes from them in the past.
I quit Nike in the 80’s when I visited a Korean plant that made tennis shoes, cheapies, along with Niki, using the same materials. Why spend 3 times what they are really worth. Same with Rolex
IOW anyone over 45 is an unperson to nike.
This is just a little love note from Nike to all of you deplorables in flyover country. we do not want your money.
We are special elites and would prefer not to associate with deplorables.
Here’s the thing that Nike didn’t think about. Most of their younger target customers are still subsidized by their parents who actually have the money. I know that I am still buying my kids clothing. I will never buy them another Nike product ever again!! Middle America will not go for this and the Inner cities just don’t have the money except for those who steal to pay for their Nikes!