The judge is following the law, which we stand for here.
Not when some silly technicality is all that’s keeping a bunch of murdering terrorists off the streets - no. Then the law is being abused in the name of evil.
Rather than just zeroing in on the judge, how about doing that also for the FBI/prosecutor that let the 10 days slip by?
Sorry, but it is not a “silly technicality.” It is the law. Blame rests squarely on the prosecutor’s office.
The judge is following the law, which we stand for here.
Not when some silly technicality is all thats keeping a bunch of murdering terrorists off the streets - no. Then the law is being abused in the name of evil.
Is that silly technicality a law?
If so, how is the judge supposed to decide to just skip over that law?
Wouldnt that create a glaring jumbo appeal any public defender could drive a truck through?
Charges needed to be filed in 10 days and for whatever reason they were not. Sounds like the prosecutor is at fault. Judges can not and should not hold people that have not been properly charged.
There have been a lot of claims made by police, and prosecutor but both times when it counted and was their time to show the judge the crimes they did not present the case or evidence to back up their claims.
This is a really strange one, but not sure either of the judges are the problem in this one. I would still like to know who authorized that camp to be partially bulldozed down. That does not seem right at all.