As for relating to what's on my plate my attitude is:"Well,Miss Bossy...nice to see that you've arrived on my plate in the form of a juicy piece of Prime Rib.I must say that you're particularly tasty when you're medium rare".
“As for relating to what’s on my plate my attitude is:”Well,Miss Bossy...nice to see that you’ve arrived on my plate in the form of a juicy piece of Prime Rib.I must say that you’re particularly tasty when you’re medium rare”.
Once had a cousin bring some city kids his kids went to school with down to the farm.
I think it was five 12 year olds who had never thought about where their food came from.
While I was feeding the cattle one asked me what their names were.
I slapped one old cow on the rump and told them her name was Hamburger.
I pointed to another and said her name was Pot Roast, another was Brisket.
The horrified looks on their precious faces was photograph worthy. Imagine a Norman Rockwell surprised look.
Some years later one of the gals came back to the farm and we had a big laugh about it.