“May McCain rest is peace.”
If he’s done only a tenth of the stuff that has been ascribed to him, McCain will never be able to “rest in peace!” It doesn’t work that way in Hell.
what was he doing in Australia in May 2017?
29 May 2017: ABC TV 7.30 Report: Vladimir Putin a bigger threat than Islamic State, John McCain says
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to world security than the Islamic State group, US senator John McCain has told the ABC.
The Republican also admitted in an exclusive interview with 7.30 that President Donald Trump sometimes made him “nervous”.
During a visit to Canberra, Senator McCain said Mr Putin was the “premier and most important threat, more so than ISIS”.
“I think ISIS can do terrible things. But it’s the Russians who tried to destroy the fundamental of democracy and that is to change the outcome of an American election,” he said.
“I’ve seen no evidence they succeeded, but they tried and they are still trying to change elections...
Nervous about Trump
“I don’t think there’s any doubt that this FBI issue and the whole issue of the Russians, it’s a scandal of significant proportions and it’s going to be with us for quite a while...