“As he lay comatose on his deathbed in 1936, King George V was injected with fatal doses of morphine and cocaine to assure him a painless death in time, according to his physician’s notes, for the announcement to be carried ‘in the morning papers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.’”
Coincidence? The announcement of McQueeg’s death came one day after they said he had “bravely” discontinued treatment — just before the weekend and Friday news dump. Now we will have “All McQueeg, all the time” from now until he is six feet under — maybe not even then. Media Whore to the end.
More important, McCain’s family/staff/expressed personal wish DELIBERATE delay of their announcement to “pull the plug” until mere hours BEFORE the republican AZ primary - let alone the wait until AFTER a Nov re-election for his appointed heir by the AZ governor (May 25 deadline for a Nov 2018 election requirement for the appointed replacement) allows McCain’s friends in the statehouse to manipulate the primary AGAINST the conservative.
but Joe should still pull out - NOW!