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Democrat Ben Jealous' Twitter account 'liked' anti-police tweet mocking #BlueLivesMatter
Baltimore Sun ^ | August 23, 2018 | Doug Donovan

Posted on 08/25/2018 10:42:45 PM PDT by GuavaCheesePuff

he campaign of Ben Jealous removed a “like” this week by its Twitter account of a six-month-old tweet that characterized corrupt police officers in vulgar terms and mocked #BlueLivesMatter.

A spokesman for the Democratic candidate for Maryland governor said the “like” by @BenJealous was an “accident” by a staffer and that the former president of the NAACP “disavowed” it.

“This tweet was not liked by Ben and certainly doesn’t reflect his views on law enforcement,” Jealous campaign spokesman Kevin Harris said. “As Ben has said on several occasions, he values and respects law enforcement, including the several members of his own family who have worn the badge or are currently serving.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Maryland
KEYWORDS: baltimore; benjealous; blacklivesmatter; bodyofwork; higherscrutiny; identified; larryhogan; md2018; wontwork

1 posted on 08/25/2018 10:42:45 PM PDT by GuavaCheesePuff
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To: GuavaCheesePuff

His campaign manager, Kevin Harris, is a real piece of work. From what I’ve heard him say, he’s as far-left as Jealous and just as stupid.

He’s blaming black crime/murder rises in Baltimore on the governor. Harris is so stupid that he doesn’t realize that the Governor controls the State Police, not the Baltimore City PD, and that Baltimore has been run and ruined by Democrat mayors right after Mayor Schaeffer retired. One’s in jail - Dixon; others have resigned in disgrace; O’Mallery turned out to a be a closet Marxist (and still is); and the current one, believe the name is Pugh, is no great shakes either.

The Baltimore City DA, Mosby of Mosley, was a frigging failure for the most part, their police chiefs (white and black), cowards and/or incompetents, and the City Council, useless and corrupt

The decline of the city started in the 1960’s and has been on that perpetual downward slope ever since despite the brave efforts of Mayor Schaeffer to stop it.

My family and friends go back to the 50’s in Democrat politics or knowing the bigwigs, but they never wanted what has happened to the city. However, being white, they were ultimately shoved out of the political scene which filled up with black incompetents, crooks, ambitious politicians, marxists and fools (or any combination thereof.

The black machine gave us traitors like Rep. Parren Mitchell, the fool on the Hill, Cummings, the strangest female senator ever, Barbara Mikulski, the wimp, Ben Cardin (an old neighborhood family), anybody named Murphy with the Baltimore Afro-American newspapers - heavy Communist Party USA relations, George Jr., and Madelaine W. Murphy (is a regular columnist for the BAA Newspapers. She is one of the founders, and current treasurer, of the Baltimore Council of American-Soviet Friendship” - the Communist Party’s publication, New World Review, May-June 1979 - “Return to Berlin (east): The World Peace Council Special Session”.
The WPC is a KGB/CPSU “peace front” and the American-Soviet Friendship Council and affiliates are cited by the FBI and Congress from the 1940’s through the 80’s, as Soviet propaganda fronts -run by the KGB and the CPSU’ propaganda arms.

(Just happen to find the cited issue of NWR stuck in my bookcase, the other night. Very handy to have for info.)

In other words, Baltimore has been betrayed by political corruption, incompetence, black racism, a decadent educational system, and Marxist infiltration, plus totally incompetent Democrat mayors and governors.

Now Jealous wants to keep that tradition going. Yeah right.

Now you know why I got out of there many decades ago. I couldn’t stand the smell of corruption and economic rot anymore.

2 posted on 08/25/2018 11:31:24 PM PDT by MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
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To: GuavaCheesePuff

An accident? Sure.

3 posted on 08/25/2018 11:37:29 PM PDT by BookmanTheJanitor
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To: GuavaCheesePuff

As the progressive liberalism idiocy and cancer will destroy this country utterly if not stopped, but yeah, folks been saying and indicating this for a decade or so.

4 posted on 08/26/2018 3:17:28 AM PDT by cranked
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To: BookmanTheJanitor

Harris is so stupid, a common theme with these liberals

5 posted on 08/26/2018 3:49:15 AM PDT by ronnie raygun
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To: GuavaCheesePuff
It's too bad Sweet Old Ben (SOB) was sabotaged by his Twitter Account. You never can tell what some of those nasty accounts might do behind your back.

Maybe the SOB should try learning how to manage an organization, or is he too incompetent to do that?

6 posted on 08/26/2018 3:53:10 AM PDT by norwaypinesavage (The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.)
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To: GuavaCheesePuff
A spokesman for the Democratic candidate for Maryland governor said the “like” by @BenJealous was an “accident” by a staffer and that the former president of the NAACP “disavowed” it.

If that doesn't work, try the traditional leftist response - "It was a joke that went bad."

In the mean time, find out who the 'staffer' is and let us know his or her name. Probably some white guy trying to make Ben look bad. What? He doesn't have ANY white staffers?

7 posted on 08/26/2018 5:23:51 AM PDT by Right Wing Assault (Kill-googl,TWITR,FACBK,NYT,WaPo,Hlywd,CNN,NFL,BLM,CAIR,Antifa,SPLC,ESPN,NPR,NBA)
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To: GuavaCheesePuff

There is a black war on cops.

Proof: google is changing your search terms so as to make it seem that you are asking a perfectly PC question. Search for:

“blacks killing cops” with quotes

google changes it to “cops killing blacks”

google and bing do this deliberately and intentionally, with full knowledge and awareness. It is so we don’t realize one of the truths that we absolutely MUST NOT discover: that blacks are killing cops.

Other forbidden but true truths:
m*slims kill humans
trans is insanity
socialism leads to misery
gay is not normal

8 posted on 08/26/2018 7:00:10 AM PDT by I want the USA back (Cynicism is the only refuge in a world that is determined to eliminate itself.)
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
Interesting. Back in the 50’s Baltimore used to describe itself as the ‘City with an economy that couldn't sink’ due to the highly diversified economy of the Baltimore region. Heavy industry (Sparrow's Point), shipbuilding (Maryland Shipbuilding and Drydock Co for one), aerospace (Martin at Back River), and soft goods (Londontowne Co. for one). Then the city seemed to go to h*ll. The leadership couldn't do anything but deal with racial turmoil and crime, which helped drive much of the white lower middle/working class out of the city. Due to this distraction and constant uproar little was done to attract new businesses and industries as the old ones waned. Baltimore today is a shadow of what it was a half century ago.
9 posted on 08/26/2018 7:42:07 AM PDT by robowombat (Orthodox)
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To: GuavaCheesePuff

Even for a Maryland politician he is remarkably stupid

10 posted on 08/26/2018 11:11:51 AM PDT by Jimmy Valentine (DemocRATS - when they speak, they lie; when they are silent, they are stealing the American Dream)
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