Posted on 08/23/2018 9:12:34 PM PDT by Phillyred
Republican leaders in the Senate stepped in Wednesday to block Sen. Rand Pauls latest effort to defund Planned Parenthood, an issue popular with the GOP base that some say could help energize voters for the midterm elections.
The Kentucky senator late last week signaled that he would offer an amendment to the appropriations bill funding the departments of Labor and Health and Human Services, the relevant legislative vehicle for the Planned Parenthood funding ban. Supporters said that it would need just a majority to win.
Late Wednesday, Paul moved to add his amendment to an opening on a so-called amendment tree which has limited spaces for pending amendments.
Washington Examiner Magazine, digital edition: In-depth features, top columnists, policy coverage, weekly video from editor - CLICK HERE Digital Magazine Log In | Subscribe Friday, August 24, 2018
WASHINGTON SECRETS GOP blocks Rand Pauls bid to defund Planned Parenthood by Paul Bedard | August 23, 2018 10:08 AM Print this article Donald Trump President Trump and his ally Sen. Rand Paul want to wring funding from Planned Parenthood and other federally funded family planning clinics and that could serve as a rallying cry for conservative voters. Susan Walsh/AP Republican leaders in the Senate stepped in Wednesday to block Sen. Rand Pauls latest effort to defund Planned Parenthood, an issue popular with the GOP base that some say could help energize voters for the midterm elections.
The Kentucky senator late last week signaled that he would offer an amendment to the appropriations bill funding the departments of Labor and Health and Human Services, the relevant legislative vehicle for the Planned Parenthood funding ban. Supporters said that it would need just a majority to win.
Late Wednesday, Paul moved to add his amendment to an opening on a so-called amendment tree which has limited spaces for pending amendments.
Don't become a lobbyist, Paul Ryan Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads But before he was able to make his move, leaders worried that Pauls amendment is too controversial to touch filled the open spot on the amendment tree, meaning he will have to wait until another space opens up.
In its place, according to insiders, was a placeholder amendment that changed funding in a program by $1. Its only purpose was to block Paul, said a Senate insider.
The GOP leadership has the power to unblock the amendment tree and allow a vote on Paul's plan.
President Trump has proposed cutting funds to Planned Parenthood. The agency gets federal funds for its womens health care but not abortion, though polls suggest that Republicans want the money train ended because it does abortion or refers to others that do.
You are willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent little preborn babies.
Every baby has a father from conception forward.
The Uniparty at work for America. Their do-nothing spinelessness will have their chickens coming home to roost.
He doesn’t seem to be on the stump in TX. I am beginning to think TCruz will be a definite loser on Nov. 6 despite the open Marxism of his opponent. He doesn’t seem to realize the depth of opposition to himself.
Few know that George Soros has been instrumental in promoting and funding the abortion industry as part of his globalist fantasy of population reduction. I would not be surprised if he funded all of those commercials.
You're the reincarnation of Mario Cuomo.
Wimpy quotes from GuavaCheesePuff’s great ancestors the 1800s.
“Im personally anti slavery, but my view is let God judge. We gotta move on from social issues....”
We’ve allowed wimps like McCain and Romney and Bush and the entire congressional wimp caucus avoid “social issues” even when polls showed we we’re on the right side. We lost ground in the heat of the battle because our leaders did jack squat and let us lose. UNTIL TRUMP! Finally someone put the soulless ghouls on defense. Finally! The GOP is forever stuck in the 90s while our culture rots.
From Conservative Review...there was a vote.
“Planned Parenthoods favorite Republicans block the Senates latest defund effort”
“And while the Republicans may use the vote as campaign fodder to hurt vulnerable Democrats in the midterm elections, they never think of going after Collins and Murkowski with the same fervor. No, in Majority Leader Mitch McConnells Senate, both will keep their committee chairmanships and continue carrying water for the abortion lobby with absolutely no consequence whatsoever.
“Despite the videos, despite the breathless campaign promises, despite the best efforts of the legitimate pro-lifers on Capitol Hill, hundreds of millions of your tax dollars will continue to go to an organization that takes the lives of hundreds of thousands of unborn children in the United States every year.
“But hey, at least were avoiding another government shutdown, right?”
I guess this person got the Roll Call wrong...
All Democrats, including Manchin, Donnelly and other 2018ers, voted against defunding Planned Parenthood. So did Collins and Murkowski; rest of GOP supported stripping funding— Burgess Everett (@burgessev) August 23, 2018
Do you have a link to cRuz not voting/the roll record? I've already called his sorry several times this week, so what's one more phone call, if so. Thanks. my VERY conservative area of TX....I’ve yet to see ANY cRuz signs/bumper stickers.
I have, sadly, seen a couple of Beto Cuomo’s signs, though.
Either cRuz assumes this thing is in the bag, or he’s checked out.
It’s hard to prosecute Cecile Richard. Its VERY hard.
Here are the 7 who did not vote:
Corker (R-TN)
Cruz (R-TX)
Fischer (R-NE)
Hirono (D-HI)
McCain (R-AZ)
Murray (D-WA)
Schatz (D-HI)
Here is the link/source:
Thanks much.
Calling cRuz’s office, now.
Just got off of the phone with my worthless Congressman’s office.
Same GOP that wont defend our president and instead pile on in this coup
Yet every day I see numbnuts here tout the GOP as ever valiant since the Battle Hymn of the Republic
What stupidity then and now
Yes Rush and Hannity do it too
Its asinine
I can understand the Senators from Hawaii not voting, and McCain. Don’t care about Murray. But where were Corker R-TN, Fischer R-NE, and Cruz R-TX?
*** Just got off of the phone with my worthless Congressmans office. ***
I guess I am getting really tired of the “support the R mantra” when the R can’t bother to show up to vote. Unless they are at a close relative’s funeral, or a Hurricane is hitting their Island, I expect them to show up for work
Okay...this is funny/not funny....
I just spent the last 5 mins trying reach a live person at the #WheresTed campaign offices.
DC - No answer (two days, now)
Houston area - ring, ring, switches to busy signal
Dallas ofc - no answer
Finally...Austin ofc - a LIVE person....
I asked Where’s Ted??
No signs, at all, in my very conservative area
No vote on the Rand Paul bill. Why? Staffer has no idea why or Where’s Ted.
On defending this POTUS - as every R Senator should be (Linda Graham ONLY one I’ve seen)....again, staffer had no idea where/why....
WHERE’S TED???????
He’s not in DC
He’s not on TV
I WOULD like to see Ted, here or there.
I would like to see Ted, anywhere.
I do not want green eggs and ham.
I guess I am getting really tired of the support the R mantra when the R cant bother to show up to vote.
No kidding. I told the cRuz least NoBeto texts me!
We can’t even get a peep outta Ted.
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