WOW, nice soapbox ya got there SURE hope bags joins your “side” soon, lets he be cast out into eternal darkness!!
FR used to be a place where opinions were wanted, even valued. Ive been around, tho didn’t join initially, since whitewater.
This place, via bucket head, was the tip of the spear. Not so much anymore, especially if you don’t follow “group think.”
Tell ya what, go on “infinity” and beat your chest there, like you are here, THEN we shall see what the metal is in your spine. Im there, I’m watching, put your name in the name field and let er roll the unwashed masses, cause you know its necessary.
BUT, you won’t, you will make snippy remarks at bags, who’s patience is far greater then mine, who’s ability to put on the “silk glove” exceeds mine.
Don’t bother to reply sheep .I don’t care
I would reply but your comments are incomprehensible.
“This place, via bucket head”
His name is BUCKHEAD, not bucket head. Buckhead is a famous FReeper. Buckethead is a famous guitar player.
You’ve been corrected on that point before. If you want to opine about the “good old days” of FR, maybe try to get the details of the most famous incident in FR history correct, eh?