*really* weak turnout
Oh, I hate to see that phrase!!!!!
Big vote dump in #OH12 cuts OConnors lead to 53-46 with 32% in! in.https://rrhelections.com/index.php/2018/08/07/ksmimowaoh-12-liveblog/
8:56 PM - 7 Aug 2018
But in his twitter account, he said OConner needed 32% in Marion. Hes below by 1. How is this not good for the R?
For a really weak candidate. Balderson’s speech at the Trump rally was a classic example why the GOP has such a terrible time holding on to what should be an easy victory. Most of the GOP are owned by the donors and they make it clear they don't want to hear certain things particular about strong borders and level playing fields in trade. The donors want weak RINOs or Dems who are reliably globalist. Balderson mumbled and shuffled in the usual way of these people at the rally talking about his family (signaling I am really one of you (NOT)) and made the usual vague pro business noises. He made a point to not thank the President or support him strongly. With these sorts of weak corrupt jerks it is amazing any elections are won.