I never heard ANYONE complain when textiles were off shored and hundreds of towns in the south were turned into ghost towns. Where were the lamentations then?
Bingo. The DNC-Media speak as if the US is in a David Ricardo macro economic trade equilibrium and that Trump is destroying it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our midwest towns and cities have been decimated by a decades-long trade war that we have been losing and it’s time to stop. The fancy economists on TV never mention the social cost about trade and those societal costs dwarf the product tariffs, and it’s important to note.
We should have done a better job. Ghost towns, food stamps and opioid addictions do not mean you have free trade. It means you have sucker-trade.
Cone Mills recently shut down. The last true selvedge denim producer in the USA. When Levi’s Jeans were the “Shrink to fit” tough thick jeans I used to buy in the early 1980’s they were made from Cone Mills denim.
Now Levis are crap. Quality control is garbage. The fabric is garbage. The fits have all changed wildly. 501’s look nothing like they used to.
I expected that Cone Mills would have their machinery torn down and sold to either China or Japan (Japan has a big fetish for artisan Denim). Now that Trump is waving his magic wand, I still hold out hope that someone in the USA will buy Cone Mills and restart it with classic pattern jeans in authentic denim.