Too true !
Announced by CPUC president ( California Public Utilities), Michael Picker, who said the number and intensity of dangerous windstorms are increasing,
making the need for pre-emptive blackouts paramount over the local disruption to be caused by intentional windstorm blackouts.
The problem is the Santa Anna winds, according to Picker.
Of Interest, is the fact that "Prior to his appointment, President Picker was Senior Advisor for Renewable Energy in the Office of the Governor from 2009 to 2014."
So,.. if it's hot and windy, the public be dam*ed - because it will overtax the grid system, negate the value of renewable resources
and renew and encourage utility dependency on fossil fuels.
That is what this issue of planned rolling blackouts is really all about.
Today it is about Malibu..
Tomorrow is will be about Southern California,.. and still later all of California.
And later still, this may be the condition of the Coastal Cities that are governed by the Libtards who ignore the use of fossil fuels.
Are you prepared for blackouts ?, .. perhaps for an extended period of time like those who have experienced a hurricane ?
Have you, or you and your family had a practice simulation of life without electricity, cellphone, internet access, refrigerated medication, cooking, food storage, etc.?
Practice means that there will be no surprises, when you and your family are faced with problems; you will already be 'well versed" on how to respond !!
“prepared for blackouts “
This is the ultimate stupidity I try to point out to eco folks who somehow believe the green energy is a viable solution.
These can only meet about 10% of the demand. Even if you want to be generous and say it’s 20%, that would be like only having power 6 days a month. And that’s not just at your house, but applies to gas stations, stores, traffic signals, etc. so don’t plan on going anywhere.
And watch how folks howl when power is out for a week because of a storm!