As soon as they upgrade the Abacus
For one I am tired about all this cyber activity against the US et al. I see no reason for this activity to continue without response.....MAJOR, DEVASTATING RESPONCE.
We, the US, could offer our hackers a bounty for bringing down a foreign hacking site or damaging the offending countries digital infrastructure. Fight fire with fire and put our hackers to good use.
It’s easy to block their ASNs. They might not want to F’ with the USA.
Obama/Kerry gave them all the passwords but Trump’s Crew changed them and it’s driving the Iranians nuts
Partially paid for by obama the apostates payments...
An opportunity to use Cyber Attack as a reason for war.
A couple of EMP pops over Teheran (non nuclear) will collapse the mullahs’ command & control, which will be followed by mass uprisings & revolution with Pres. Trump offering encouragement to the Iranian people this time, UNLIKE OBAMA!!
“attacks against thousands of electric grids, water plants”
For myself, I ask why in the hell are components of the electric grids and water systems DIRECTLY Internet connected to begin with.
I can see the humans involved having Internet connections as to communications with each other, but those should be separate systems from those actually doing the controls, with NO connection between them.
Disconnet the kinds of connections that make cyber hacking of the electric grid possible. Hire more humans who have multiple montioring and communications systems that have no electronic connections between them, with all functions operated by humans telling a system what to do, a system that is not connected to anything else anywhere.
Many Wall Street traders have long operated with multiple monitors on their desks for years, with some monitors connected to internal systems and some connected directly to the trading floor.
NBC News, America’s Pravda
By Iran, you mean the American intelligence community.
The President should send them 2 billion dollars in all currencies by the pallet load.
They would soon stop their terrorists activities, of this I am sure.
A billion+ in cash to Iran from Obama is paying off dividends in Obama’s war on U.S.
Given the passwords by muzzy Brennan with a still active security clearance?
Wait a minute, I thought that it was only Russians the USA had to worry about.
Trey Gowdy yesterday on Fox News Sunday was very careful to tip toe around every country but Russia when he was naming our enemies.
And folks say nyet to nuking iran.
Huh, nuke em.