All this psychological bravado is fine. Trump is great for his proper responses but under no circumstances should that be used to start a war with 96 million people and possibly Russia. The neo cons desperately have wanted this war for years. If you want a war with Iran, you go and you donate your money.
Who threatened who recently with the "mother of all wars" bull s**t?
Trump is not saying he would start a war, but that he would retaliate with force.
There’s no way Russia is going to go to war over Iran. We should have declared war and nuked them back in 1980. It’s unfortunate that Bush got so bogged down in nation building in Iraq that we didn’t settle their hash immediately after taking out Saddam. Now they are on the verge of being able to nuke us, something that is totally unacceptable. I’m no neo-con, and the only reason I support war is in the event of an attack or an existential threat. Iran has done the former more than once, and is on the verge of being the latter. We need to stop them once and for all by taking out the regeime.