Exactly how are they supposed to do this?
Assuming a poor diet, we probably aren't talking solid turds here that can be picked up in an inside our plastic grocery bag, as is done with dog turds.
Just how do you clean up after yourself when it came out with a "sploosh"?
Then, if you did manage to pick the crap up, where would you put it?
Methinks the logistics of turds is not one of the mayor's strong points.
Plastic grocery bags in SF?? Guess you missed that..
The San Francisco Bag ban was the first in the nation.
The San Francisco bag ban, first passed in 2007, was the first major law regulating carry out bags in the US. The ban is in line with the citys desire to reach zero waste by 2020 and its dedication to environmental stewardship.
Liberal azzholes run the city and my guess is 99.9% of the homeless are liberal azzholes as well. Where ever liberals thrive they destroy everything.