To: petitfour; NIKK
President Trump said in today’s news conference that the two countries military had been working together for some time. (We know space
Program has too). Just hit me. It was the military who came to DJT and asked him to run with their blessing.
What does Putin know?
Remember he was KGB.
Didn’t Hillary already give the Russian cyber units some help.
When did he know it?
489 posted on
07/16/2018 5:53:16 PM PDT by
(When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.DJT)
To: hoosiermama
Exactly, and we also know Russia and our military have had conversation for some time..and it is looking as Israel has an open conversation with Russia too. Israel is the BIG fighter in Syria....and many American's aren't aware of this. We know because we have followed Syrian soldiers for several months.
Same as we know ...Man With No Name..Obama..Hillary..have been supporting the terrorist group.."The White Helmets"..that always show up when there's a chemical attack. We found out the truth there also by the Syrian soldiers.
500 posted on
07/16/2018 6:22:33 PM PDT by
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