That would insure that the national EPA isn't overstepping its authority.
If a state EPA oversteps, it is closer to the citizens and therefore more accountable and if the citizens don't like what it is doing, they can move to another state.
Unbridled immigration has increased our population in a much more rapid manner than internal population growth would have. This has a much bigger impact on our environment than anything the left is complaining about - but they won’t acknowledge this as it plays against their politics.
No, that would be a complete disaster for blue states minority sane residents. Rather we should write Federal preemption laws regarding State EPAs and make them subservient to the Federal Agency. Having one bird to kill is preferable to fifty one.
Idiots like Karem have no idea what they are talking about, they merely mouth the prevailing platitudes and Trump derangement. Let us hope however that Wheeler is just what Karem fears he is. That will be a great step forward.