To: Jim Robinson; FReepers; Patriots; FRiends
.Bumping the new FReepathon thread for more new
Monthly Donors!
Become a Monthly Donor and shorten FReepathons!
Let's Git 'Er Done, Folks! Support Free Republic!
4 posted on
07/05/2018 10:49:27 AM PDT by
(Have YOU Donated to Keep Free Republic Up and Running?)
To: jazusamo; onyx; JustAmy; trisham; RedMDer; musicman; MEG33; deoetdoctrinae; xzins; DoughtyOne; ...
Thank you very much, jazusamo!!
Woo hoo!!
And this just in:
$20.00 from Texas
$20.00 from Never Never Land
$100.00 from New York
$75.00 from Connecticut
Thank you all very much!!
FReepers are the absolute greatest!!
God bless.
5 posted on
07/05/2018 10:57:15 AM PDT by
Jim Robinson
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson