7000 opioid prescriptions filled EVERY DAY in Utah. Usually 30 day refills good for 6 months. Not good.
“”””7000 opioid prescriptions filled EVERY DAY in Utah. Usually 30 day refills good for 6 months. Not good.”””
If you say so. A sign at my orthopedic surgeons office said pain meds will be prescribed for two weeks AFTER a surgery. None after that. None before that.
“Usually 30 day refills good for 6 months. Not good.”
Not anymore. DEA regs have required a doctor visit for each refill for years now. Which does nothing for anyone with real chronic pain, but certainly enriches doctors and drives up medical insurance costs.
In Florida, you must get a NEW prescription (NO refills) every 30 days - it cannot be sooner than 30 days, either. And it cannot be filled any sooner than 28 days from the last one. Now, the pharmacy has to call the doctor after the prescription has been given to the pharmacist in order to be VERBALLY assured he/she is aware of the new laws. It is getting ridiculous! Those who have legitimate need for chronic pain relief are being penalized every single month because of the illegal and criminal abusers. There has to be a way to meet the need without awarding the criminals.