This is the fundamental issue and it's not anything new.
The Courts are not defining or defending the Nature Rights of the Individual that is the foundation of our entire Nation.
Our politicians never promote the sovereignty of the individual and their unique character(s) of self, morality and potential.
Our Constitution works for the benefit of everyone when a majority of people understand where their ability for logic, reason, curiosity and morality come from. It doesn't come from any man made government.
This is where the war is being fought
It's a war between those that accept the undeniable truth of Nature Rights and those that either reject Nature Rights or are afraid to even consider the implications.
You can’t prove where our rights come from. It’s not science. It’s not logic or math. It’s not even philosophy, although those guys who realized it are called philosophers.
It’s a deep knowledge that our founders had, and most of us have. They kept it out of the official papers because it can’t be proved.
They set up a government, however, that is just, and in alignment with God’s justice. That’s as far as we can go. As the DA said, “It’s all you got.” If you see the inherent justice of our laws, you see it. If you don’t, you don’t.
The people who don’t believe in God may eventually win in tearing down our system of government. It’s a form of cultural anarchy to say there are no genders, for instance. It’s a form of social anarchy to say some forms of human life are more entitled to live than others. They may win. There’s a very interesting final chapter to this whole story.