We have something in common—I hate Hume,too. That kind of mealy mouthed so called moderate thinker type always gets me more aggravated than even the more honest Maddow types. The phony thoughtfulness and insincere evenhandedness covers up the same types of beliefs each one of us has. No one is totally accepting of all points of view— we are human.
To blame Trump for this stuff is exactly like the pundits who asked: “What did we do as Americans to make the terrorists of 911 mad at us” Baloney.
And these very phony, hypocrites, who just love to pretend that they are just of so "intelligent" and "superior" to everyone else, not only turn my stomach, but drives me crazy!
And the thing is, for all of their pretend "sophistication", there are lots of us Trump supporters who are as well read, well educated, and "sophisticated", IF NOT FAR MORE SO, than they are!
In the early days of FR, there was a group of us who did for real investigation on the Clintons, pricing the things that Hilary had demanded of her "friends", as "going away/new home presents" and other things as well. Hume or his staff read FR in those days and we were quoted ( never named though, which was fine ), ON AIR, and used as a source by him. We did the scut work and he took the credit for repeating our posted facts. I guess that he and his staff were just to "busy" ( LAZY ) and above it all to actually do the work they were being paid to do.