They and the Lutheran charities are both despicable. The out of touch Catholic hierarchy is okey dokey with illegals because the Mexicans are ostensibly "Catholic" (for some definition of "Catholic"). They serve as replacements for the dwindling pew sitters and serve as another avenue for fresh coin.
In truth, the grade of Mexicans who come here could hardly even be called Christian. They are a primitive superstitious lot who maintain an allegiance to their jungle deities while simultaneously worshiping in the Catholic way.
It is the work of the devil... NO way should 'we the people' be funding religious charities that destroy this nation. But that is who lying Ryan works for and charges US to fund it while he takes away from US Veterans. He is a low life and he can go to 'ell... Notice I did not say he was 'going' to .ell, as I have no power over where his lot will end.