Posted on 06/10/2018 10:03:55 PM PDT by TigerLikesRooster
IOWs you’re predicting he’s going to defect?
They both inherited wealth
lol...No. But I think he’d might try to add some kind of provision which provided a degree of protection or insurance if you will, for his own hide if things get uncomfortable for him at some point. Who knows!
I have no animus against those of inherited wealth.
Think of some of the amazing people who inherited wealth and turned out to be great statesmen and fine examples to be admired.
If you can think of none, then you need to do a bit of study.
And remember the monsters who rose from desperate poverty to terrorize a frightened world.
Maybe better to say they both inherited the opportunity
to do great things
The reality is that talks between both sides have been going on for months, with teams of folks. What happens during the meeting between Trump and Kim will be predetermined. The teams reconvened again today for a second time. Who knows how its going between our sided.
At least Farsi, English, German and, uhm ...korean...
Götz von Berlichingen
Looks like he attended the International School of Bern for a couple of years so he should have a conversational level of English at least. The International schoos operate in English (we had three children in International schools near Zurich for a year while living there). Kim was then put in a local German speaking school as he wasn’t doing that well so his German is likely better.
Looks like he attended the International School of Bern for a couple of years so he should have a conversational level of English at least. The International schoos operate in English (we had three children in International schools near Zurich for a year while living there). Kim was then put in a local German speaking school as he wasn’t doing that well so his German is likely better.
Curious, does anyone know how many languages Kim speaks?
One, but with a sling he’s a little better.
I realize this is complex, but do you have a sense of how worried Kim is that his own military or other factions will try to sabotage this attempt at change?
I’m dumbstruck these negotiations have progressed to this point.
I doubt he has had any practice speaking english since school.
Thank you! These are the things I wonder about. After a repressive regime ends, whether in war or negotiations with other states, there are so many unforseen possibilities. I know there are those in NoKo who do not want this. Powerful people. If they can be persuaded it’s good for them, it may actually work:)
Praying for best, for all.
“I doubt he has had any practice speaking english since school.”
Not necessarily. North Korea has a history of taking foreigners captive, and there is one particularly interesting theory about an American who may have been kidnapped for the purpose of teaching English to Kim. See This American was fluent in the Korean language and apparently was suspected by the Chinese to have been helping North Koreans escaping through China.
Probably more normal than his original one...
Just formalities this time? There will be a second summit in KN in July and a third in Washington in September.
Doesn’t he speak them all? He is a god, after all.
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