Georgetown University is ostensibly a Jesuit Catholic institution Its very existence and continuing endowment was made possible by the support and generous donations of devout Catholics. They were proud to help establish an educational institution that educated their youth and propagated the faith. The positions championed by “feminist” professors are of course in direct contradiction to Church teaching especially regarding abortion and exploitive sexuality. The salaries and very establishment of heretic departments within this “Catholic” institution is made possible in part by the donations of Catholics. They have yet to understand that the modern Jesuit order has descended into an unspeakable cabal and should never be trusted.
See post 13 of the author.....also interesting.
Thank you for your post. I have actually written the college tonight regarding their ‘studies’ so we shall see if and or how they respond.
Many “modern” Jesuits are hardcore “liberation theology” Marxists and they found a great home in Georgetown Un, which was once a great hall of learning in their Foreign Service School (I think that’s the correct name and I believe Walsh was the head of it. I bought some of his history books when they were sold off decades ago).
The Law School has been infiltrated too (Rev. Robert Drinan, as crazy as Charles Manson and Prof. David Cole, a brilliant attorney and apparent protege’ of comrade William Kunstler), as has its African Studies program (it hired the leader of the DC-VA Communist Party, Maurice Jackson, as a professor despite or disregarding his background (which the Wash. Post conveniently left out when he was both in the CPUSA as well as writing the Platform of the D.C. Statehood Committee’s political platform).
How do I know about Jackson? I took a course he taught at the W.E. B. DuBois School of Marxist Studies. It was boring as crap.
Heard Cole speak. Heard Drinan promise a CPUSA legal front to support them anyway he could.
“Strange Days” are upon us and it shows up significantly in universities, even Catholic ones today (Perdue, Marquette and Notre Dame).
Gee, I feel lucky. I went to a university founded by a Baptist, former Union Army leader. It was called “Tel Aviv on the Delaware. And the only communist was an open one who taught English or something like that. Now the school and its Law School is filled with reds as professors, which would explain why Philadelphia is such a leftist craphole.
“Time to drain the universities”!
They should not be allowed to have that statue of Mary in a prominent place on campus. It just confuses the parents.