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To: otness_e
"Yeah, I’m pretty sure that even a left-wing Christian with Communist sympathies would not denounce Communism to such an extent that he declares it incapable of being mixed together, like King did in this speech here: If anything, they’d basically delusionally believe they COULD be mixed together with zero issues. You know, like the priest who recruited Hillary Clinton into being taught by Saul Alinsky, or the Liberation Theology believers, or Pope Francis for that matter. Either way, that speech he made STILL made him far better than Jesse Jackson, who actually DID try to praise Cuba’s communist system every chance he got. Also helps that King’s niece is in fact pro life."

I'm not as sanguine about the speech, because he gives Communism some validity that it can somehow help the poor and oppressed. It's a bit too SJW. Plus, he didn't have much credibility about living the life of a good Christian. As for the clergyman who introduced a young and impressionable Hillary to Communist politics, he deserves some serious scrutiny. I absolutely believe she sold her soul to Satan for power and influence. The late Fr. Malachi Martin discussed the subject to an extent on Art Bell's radio show back in the '90s (you can find them on Youtube). They are interesting and very frightening. Anyone who is a disciple of Alinsky is a disciple of Satan. As for Alveda King, she is largely ignored by the media because she isn't a left-winger. Typical treatment for Blacks who have left the Democrat plantation, they're either ignored or vilified.

"Honestly, wanting to maintain power by any means necessary would probably be too kind a description for them. I personally think they’re more like the Joker from The Dark Knight, doing their actions solely so they can watch the world burn, not even CARE if they get caught in the crossfire and or have their actions backfire on them."

That might describe a few, the total nihilists, but most want an escape plan. They're willing to sacrifice the whole world so long as they can get away. Even Che Guevera didn't want to be a martyr in desperately trying to cut a deal with the troops who caught him in Bolivia. Ultimately, they're mostly egotistical cowards.

"As far as Lucas, I heard a similar story regarding how Star Wars was made, only instead of him not getting the rights to a Flash Gordon film, it involved having his rights to Apocalypse Now taken away from him after THX-1138’s failure, not to mention his American Zoetrope studio shut down (personally, I think the story would have been worse, be very openly against the Vietnam War, even when compared to the uncut version of the film we did get). His basing the Rebels on the Vietcong and the Empire on America is pretty much the reason I root for the Empire right now, and I don’t generally root for villains nor do I even like to root for villains, that’s how badly I took that revelation. And from what I’ve read in PIG 1960s, the student radicals in America at least, many of whom being Red Diaper babies, managed to blackball school administrators into effectively letting them have complete air time with that so-called “Free Speech” movement."

The "Free-Speech" movement was a joke. It was just an attempt by Communists to get power and shut down any opposition to their tyranny. Communist totalitarians never voluntarily relinquish power or allow free speech. Since it is viewed by its adherents as absolute and right, there cannot be an "opposition." Opposition are counter-revolutionaries, and they must be destroyed. You can see how that works on college campuses today and locales where these thugs hold power.

"You might want to make sure to address the bit about Khrushchev apparently throwing a tantrum in the aftermath of the CMC going by what Ion Mihai Pacepa stated, though. Even gave you a link to that earlier."

Frankly, all the stuff surrounding JFK's assassination has been so muddied over the years, it's hard to figure out what is truth, what is fiction/hyperbole, etc. I don't think Khrushchev would've necessarily been behind an assassination, because if it openly came out, it would've triggered WW3. He certainly didn't want to start it over Cuba, either. JFK made so many enemies that it made all these conspiracies seem plausible (even the mafia angle, too, and LBJ - since the Kennedys were planning to dump him from the ticket in '64 and replace him with MO Sen. Stuart Symington, a more reliable toady).

"True, the Democrats have done voter fraud as well, but you still have to admit that it seems suspicious that only the Voter ID states swung for Romney. Maybe if a Voter ID state swung for Obama, I’d probably consider the possibility that some were disgruntled about Romney and not think anything else was suspicious, but all going for Romney? Yeah, sorry, but I would suspect voter fraud on Obama’s end was responsible for the election victory on Obama’s end. And it wouldn’t surprise me either, since Chicago’s infamous for its voter fraud, doing it since at least the time Daly told people to “vote early, vote often”."

I think Willard (as with McQueeg) were a toxic contribution to keeping base voters from turning out. I only voted for McQueeg in 2008 solely because I expected him to die in office early and be replaced with Sarah Palin (and she was the only reason he performed as well as he did). It's hard to overstate how shockingly unpopular and hated these two were. Over half the party voters were negative on both. I found it absolutely astonishing how either could get nominated as the most unpopular figures running. I was hoping for both to be defeated at the convention and replaced with a more popular and unifying figure. You cannot nominate someone that unpopular and magically expect them to win a general election.

"Yeah, come to think of it, I definitely remember being irritated when I saw that list of celebrities who voiced support for Obama and Romney was among them. I did ultimately vote for Romney in the actual election, although only because I couldn’t just sit home, not when the alternative was letting Obama stay in office. Besides, he did have as his VP Paul Ryan, who was pro-life, so I figured that at least I’m getting someone who was pro-life in there. And honestly, had Randall Terry successfully ousted Obama for the nomination in 2012, I definitely would have considered voting for him back then (I’m technically independent, so I can in fact vote for any party I wish. Randall Terry is pretty much the only exception I’m willing to make regarding Democrats and voting for them since at least HE is proven to be staunchly pro-Life). And as far as third party candidates, that’s pretty much a joke. Why bother voting for a third party candidate when they’re not even going to win anyways. Comes across as a wasted vote anyway."

I considered my vote for McQueeg in 2008 to be a waste when he didn't die earlier. I later repudiated my vote for him. In 2012, that was the final straw. I'd spent over 6 years warning people about Willard and his antics, and that his nomination was tantamount to re-coronating Zero. I wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances and endorsed VA Congressman Virgil Goode instead as the only option for Conservative patriots. There was nothing that would've changed my mind on that. It wasn't even a lesser of two evils situation, both were evil and Deep State operatives. If Willard had won by accident (he wasn't going to, but still...) the damage he would've done to the Conservative movement would've assured the loss of Congress in 2014 and the election of Hillary in 2016. Our side would not have likely won either the Congress or Presidency again, and the loss of the Supreme Court was imminent. It was just that frightening and bad. As for Paul Ryan, he is also a Deep State Establishment hack. He was more than happy to serve Zero and hates Trump. Conservatives are VERY happy to see this fraud hit the bricks after his willfully incompetent and obstructionist tenure.

"Like I said, my initial, and preferred, choice was Rick Santorum. I only went with Romney because it was either him or Obama, and I sure as heck wasn’t voting for Obama (and if I sat out, it would effectively be the same as voting for Obama). In fact, the one person I definitely didn’t want to vote for in the GOP by any stretch was Ron Paul. Sure, maybe he’s got a point on economic issues, but everything else he’s so dead wrong that it would be like voting the Joker from Batman into the presidency, and he pretty much supported abortificants, something I’m unwilling to knowingly back in a candidate (would even avoid voting for a Republican if they backed it if I could help it)."

Paul's too nutty and too libertarian. But he's not Deep State and would've run to win had he been nominated, but as with you, I had too many problems with him.

"I... didn’t even mention Adlai, so I don’t even know what you’re getting at there, because I referenced Conservapedia and the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s in that thing you responded to, and about Ike, no less."

I misinterpreted your comment to be talking about Adlai being better regarded than JFK by Conservapedia.

"He unfortunately DID support those jerks. Even went as far as to write a letter voicing his support, as you can see here: In fact, it was his support of the French Revolution that was the main reason why John Adams and he basically broke off their friendship. Oh, and speaking of which, the book “Liberty: The God that Failed” by Christopher A. Ferrara gives quite a bit more detail about him. Did you know that Jefferson basically was a huge Big Government Ogre? Here’s a bulletpointed list in this link:"

I tended to prefer Adams, anyhow. Keeping slavery enshrined in our fledgling nation was a recipe for long-term disaster. Of course, you were going to have a problem with slave colonies not going along in 1776 had it been abolished. A double-edged sword, to be sure. Then again, you have the problem with flawed individuals trying to come up with a system of governance that had the widest-possible appeal. It's ultimately impossible to create a perfect republican system. Trying to create such a utopia on earth is foolhardy (although that doesn't preclude us from striving to make it better an ironing out and addressing problems, either).

"Maybe, but on the other hand, he also advocated for black revolts and separatist groups akin to the KKK, so he definitely was closer to the far left than MLK was even if he did advocate against government dependency. After all, the likes of Michel Foucault and Jean-Paul Sartre if anything demanded the extermination of government, the former even advocating for people to just engage in vigilante lynching, or as he put it, popular justice, like with the September Massacres, and you’d have to be blind to think that he wanted government, even basically stating that government was the same as a prison as well as, well, pretty much any job, private or public, being a prison, and last I checked, they were of the far left, not even close to conservative under either the American OR the European definition."

The biggest mistake the Black community made was jettisoning the self-reliance ethos of Booker T. Washington in favor of radical leftism espoused by W. E. B. Du Bois. Following Washington would've seen the Black community largely assimilated into the national culture at large (much like how Southern Europeans and Irish were eventually assimilated after being seen as "non-White" in the 19th century), instead of being culturally divorced and at odds. Of course, Washington himself warned us about people that would seek to exploit Blacks to their detriment, and described the hucksters and con-men we see to this day (from Je$$e Jack$on, Al $harpton, Zero, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters & the CBC and other various media and pop culture "overseers" like the Samuel L. Jackson character in "Django Unchained" to keep the slaves from running away).

"Maybe, but then again, showing up, standing up, and being counted among Democrats while taking his time taking as much joy in destroying the career of a patriot who can barely even defend himself a’la Che Guevara and his execution squads against defenseless boys isn’t really courageous by any stretch either. In fact, I’d argue such is even MORE cowardly than simply not voting. At least by not voting, he technically still isn’t actually siding with the Democrats."

By not showing up, I would argue JFK was providing de facto support to the Democrat/RINO left because he didn't DEFEND McCarthy at a pivotal moment.

"Honestly, I think them all odious too. But here’s the thing, I think of ALL people, myself included, as odious for doing even one bad thing, and if I go by that line of thinking... well, let’s just say my views would be more likely to just ensure no human remains alive (myself included), or even this planet Earth, so I HAVE to try and look for even small positives in order to not do to the world what Kefka did in FFVI out of a fit of nihilism:"

Well, we all make mistakes. The difference is whether we are engaged in such actions accidentally or willfully. I look to another political family I wish had never appeared on the political scene: the Bushes. Dubya (or Shrub, a nickname he has since well earned) was sworn to uphold the Constitution and keep our borders secure. Did he do that ? Nope. He allowed millions of illegals to come in (as did his predecessors and successor) and refused to do anything about it. He didn't consider it wrong. I had one of those charming individuals for a neighbor from Central America. He should've been deported but he wasn't, because this wasn't a priority. One day, he apparently tried to kill his wife and two police officers (as I was typing away right here at my computer, got to hear the exchange out my open window). For 7 years, too, another set of neighbors of undetermined status harassed us day and night, cops were called endlessly, and nothing was done (didn't want to appear "racist" for going after some Mexicans). Of course, these were just two examples. When I hear the lying media tell us about how these folks are just a bunch of innocents and people who want to secure our borders (Trump) are racist and evil, I want to slap them hard across the face. Rapists, murderers, thugs, drunk drivers and more ARE the people that settled into my area and others across the country. They make our communities unsafe and drain our resources. But elitists like Shrub, Pelosi, Schumer, et al, who don't have these quality folks living feet away from them (indeed, they have security and expensive estates to keep them far, far away in my working-class neighborhood) don't have them disturbing and threatening them 24/7. If they love them so much, they won't mind taking them and Mohammadans, too, into their homes and open arms to sleep next to them and their children and grandchildren. Until then, they can STFU.

"Well, to be fair, speaking as someone who IS Catholic since childhood when my mom returned to the Church, I voted for McCain, Santorum, Romney, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump, and have generally voted Republican (mostly because there’s more chance of them actually repealing Roe v. Wade than the Democrats), and 2008 was actually my first presidential vote (before then, the only other time I might have voted was during the vote for Dunwoody to become a City)."

I think the overwhelming bulk of faithful Christians and Jews vote GOP now. The fake JINOs, Cafeteria Catholics (CINOs), and the anti-Christian SJWs (who have taken over countless Christian sects) are obviously going to vote Communist-Democrat.

"No kidding, and it’s been that way since at the very least when Earl Warren was put on the Supreme Court, arguably even before that when FDR threatened to pack the court."

I think Chief Justice Marshall set the standard for judicial tyranny with Marbury v. Madison.

"I wish I could believe you regarding education in itself not being the problem. Really, I do. Unfortunately, after the likes of Voltaire and Diderot managed to take over the French Academy and basically used that to basically indoctrinate loads of literate people in France down to and including the peasant class into thinking Christians were bad, leading directly to the French Revolution (this part you can read about from Timothy Dwight’s 1799 speech to the Yale Graduates of Independence Day of that year recapping how the French Revolution happened), heck, Jean-Jacques Rousseau practically FOUNDING Education, or at least what we know of it today via his Emile book, I definitely have to blame Education itself for it. Based on my experiences, heck, even doing some independent research that had me learning that Rousseau and Voltaire are effectively responsible for the sorry state of education right now, if not responsible for education itself, it’s better off just being destroyed, reduced to rubble, not even BOTHER fixing it (besides, the leftist radicals also claimed to be working to fix education back during the 1960s, and they invariably made it worse). By keeping it, we have brainwashing and indoctrination. Is it bleak, yes, but unfortunately, it is what it is. One article has even implied that this rot has been going on since the 19th century. Here, read for yourself:"

It's WHAT is taught that is the issue and WHO is teaching it. If you're using it for indoctrination purposes, it is evil. Smashing the entire system to pieces and not bothering to replace it is just as bad. You neither want an ignorant populace or a brainwashed one. I believe we need a total overhaul of how we educate children. A one-size fits all approach that the corrupt teachers unions support is not working. Each child should have an education tailor-made for his/her needs. I was above average as a youngster and could read before Kindergarten, but I was placed in a subpar sausage factory (public ed) that dumbed me down, kept me disinterested and bored and ultimately crushed my spirit and put me in harm's way. In many ways, I had to teach myself and try to separate fact from fiction. Public ed taught me that it is everything that is done wrong, and it is kept that way on purpose.

"Sometimes I wonder if that is the case, that he’s not controlling. As far as I can tell, God’s essentially a combination of the Patriots from MGS2 (; ), the Architect from The Matrix Reloaded ( ), and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI. Have to think that way since he’s omnipotent and omniscient, not to mention omnipresent, meaning he can’t be stupid, weak, or anything like that. Even if it’s a bleak view of God, it’s still what I think of as God, especially after Raiders of the Lost Ark."

Well, we're never going to be able to fully comprehend who He is. That's above our proverbial pay grade. We can only try to follow what He wants for us and trust it's the best thing for us.

"Then we need to find a way to ensure the states DON’T retain those abortion laws. For goodness sakes, the Founding Fathers actually had state laws that banned pornographic material before Earl Warren with his Memoirs v. Massachusetts ruling pretty much gutted those laws."

Too many people support those laws in those states. Even in the Dakotas, I forgot which one, they tried to enact a law to outlaw all abortions and it didn't pass muster with the voters. Since only a small number would be performed under an exceptions clause, that's the best route to try to take. The left-wing state voters won't give it up for any circumstance (short of perhaps outlawing partial-birth, which is too ghoulish even for many Democrats). As for porno stuff, that genie is out of the bottle. As long as there is an interest in sex, that's going to be around.

"Darn shame what happened there. Then again, a lot of the leftist jerks who did the student protests and all of that definitely had the golden sunshine gradually removed (heck, Governor Brown during the 1960s literally let riots occur non-stop at Los Angeles and clearly let them spread to other places), so while Arnold may not have been responsible for losing its sunshine, he certainly didn’t help restore it."

Yeah, it was headed downhill under Pat Brown, though he couldn't extinguish it entirely. Sadly, thanks to Ike and his national demolition of the GOP in 1958, it made the election of Pat Brown possible when GOP Senate Minority Leader Bill Knowland and Gov. Goodwin Knight tried to switch jobs. It enabled the capture of the state by Democrats who effectively disenfranchised the GOP voting majority and they never recovered from that (not even Reagan was able to do so).

115 posted on 11/02/2018 1:34:31 PM PDT by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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To: fieldmarshaldj

“I’m not as sanguine about the speech, because he gives Communism some validity that it can somehow help the poor and oppressed. It’s a bit too SJW. Plus, he didn’t have much credibility about living the life of a good Christian. As for the clergyman who introduced a young and impressionable Hillary to Communist politics, he deserves some serious scrutiny. I absolutely believe she sold her soul to Satan for power and influence. The late Fr. Malachi Martin discussed the subject to an extent on Art Bell’s radio show back in the ‘90s (you can find them on Youtube). They are interesting and very frightening. Anyone who is a disciple of Alinsky is a disciple of Satan. As for Alveda King, she is largely ignored by the media because she isn’t a left-winger. Typical treatment for Blacks who have left the Democrat plantation, they’re either ignored or vilified.”

Regarding King and whether it’s SJW, maybe, but it’s still at least repudiating enough that he specifically concluded they can never come together at all, so he at least deserves respect for that (and either way is STILL better than Jesse Jackson’s blatant promotion of Fidel Castro, even BEFORE the whole running for office thing). And to be fair, a lot of people don’t exactly have credibility of being a good Christian, can’t even say I myself might be one. Heck, Donald Trump defends the Christian faith and Western Civilization right now, and defends Israel right now, yet I’m not entirely sure I can say he’s a good Christian if we go down to personal morals (though I’ll say this much, regardless of how he’s like, he’s got FAR better morals than the Clintons). Not saying bad about him, since like I said, he at least earned my loyalty, far more than just tolerating him enough in a failed attempt to ensure Obama or similar people never won the Presidency.

And as far as Alinsky, yeah, doesn’t help either that he actually dedicated his book to Satan. Sometimes I wish when Jesus during his three days of death just killed Satan and exterminated his followers, then robbed us of our free will, or heck, his father do that.

“That might describe a few, the total nihilists, but most want an escape plan. They’re willing to sacrifice the whole world so long as they can get away. Even Che Guevera didn’t want to be a martyr in desperately trying to cut a deal with the troops who caught him in Bolivia. Ultimately, they’re mostly egotistical cowards.”

Yeah, he did, begged for his life for a publicity trial akin to what Debres got from what I heard. Makes me feel very cynical about mercy, really... enough that if I were put in a situation where it’s life or death, I won’t beg for mercy because I don’t wish to do the same beg and backstab thing those guys do.

“The “Free-Speech” movement was a joke. It was just an attempt by Communists to get power and shut down any opposition to their tyranny. Communist totalitarians never voluntarily relinquish power or allow free speech. Since it is viewed by its adherents as absolute and right, there cannot be an “opposition.” Opposition are counter-revolutionaries, and they must be destroyed. You can see how that works on college campuses today and locales where these thugs hold power.”

Yeah, no disagreeing with you there. Heck, even Voltaire’s defense of free speech was a complete joke, considering he had zero problem lying about and censoring Christian thought, wanting it completely destroyed via mockery. And you know what that led to.

“Frankly, all the stuff surrounding JFK’s assassination has been so muddied over the years, it’s hard to figure out what is truth, what is fiction/hyperbole, etc. I don’t think Khrushchev would’ve necessarily been behind an assassination, because if it openly came out, it would’ve triggered WW3. He certainly didn’t want to start it over Cuba, either. JFK made so many enemies that it made all these conspiracies seem plausible (even the mafia angle, too, and LBJ - since the Kennedys were planning to dump him from the ticket in ‘64 and replace him with MO Sen. Stuart Symington, a more reliable toady).”

Eh, I’m pretty sure that Khrushchev had in fact been responsible for JFK’s assassination, or if not him, then certainly Fidel Castro. Certainly Markus Wolf and Ion Mihai Pacepa made very convincing arguments that it was them. And you have to admit, the Soviets would otherwise have no real reason to do a disinformation campaign deflecting blame if they truly had no involvement whatsoever (heck, barely anyone knew until the 1990s when the Archives opened up that the Soviets were responsible for Katyn and believed the Nazis were responsible, thanks to a disinformation campaign by the Soviets). Whether it was deliberate or accidental (or even both) is up for debate, however. Yes, his making enemies technically makes things plausible, but there’s also some things that nix that idea. For example, aside from the fact that LBJ could have just as easily simply leaked to the press that JFK was having an affair with an East German Spy and blackmailed them into publishing it to get the presidency (or the fact that said amendment requiring the VP to be put in the President’s place if he unexpectedly dies in office) hadn’t even been thought up yet, LBJ going by CIA memos wasn’t even AWARE that LHO was the shooter until three days after the fact. Had he been the one who got him shot, I’m pretty sure he would have known who he was. And even the Mafia would not dare try to risk America being harmed by the Soviets just to settle a grudge anyway (they probably would have waited until AFTER he was out of office). Not to mention they didn’t try to kill any president involved in the prohibition movement (Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, you name it), even when they actually would have had plenty of reasons to hate them for shutting down some of their operations.

“I think Willard (as with McQueeg) were a toxic contribution to keeping base voters from turning out. I only voted for McQueeg in 2008 solely because I expected him to die in office early and be replaced with Sarah Palin (and she was the only reason he performed as well as he did). It’s hard to overstate how shockingly unpopular and hated these two were. Over half the party voters were negative on both. I found it absolutely astonishing how either could get nominated as the most unpopular figures running. I was hoping for both to be defeated at the convention and replaced with a more popular and unifying figure. You cannot nominate someone that unpopular and magically expect them to win a general election.”

Never said they’d actually win the general election. I was just saying that it was suspicious that, of the states that voted for Obama, all of them had been from states without Voter ID laws, while Romney actually got them. If Romney, or heck, McCain even, actually lost one of the Voter ID states, I’d probably see your point about how they were unpopular candidates.

“I considered my vote for McQueeg in 2008 to be a waste when he didn’t die earlier. I later repudiated my vote for him. In 2012, that was the final straw. I’d spent over 6 years warning people about Willard and his antics, and that his nomination was tantamount to re-coronating Zero. I wouldn’t vote for him under any circumstances and endorsed VA Congressman Virgil Goode instead as the only option for Conservative patriots. There was nothing that would’ve changed my mind on that. It wasn’t even a lesser of two evils situation, both were evil and Deep State operatives. If Willard had won by accident (he wasn’t going to, but still...) the damage he would’ve done to the Conservative movement would’ve assured the loss of Congress in 2014 and the election of Hillary in 2016. Our side would not have likely won either the Congress or Presidency again, and the loss of the Supreme Court was imminent. It was just that frightening and bad. As for Paul Ryan, he is also a Deep State Establishment hack. He was more than happy to serve Zero and hates Trump. Conservatives are VERY happy to see this fraud hit the bricks after his willfully incompetent and obstructionist tenure.”

True, but on the other hand, at least those guys had more of a chance at actually revoking Roe v. Wade than Obama at that point (at least Paul Ryan was specifically noted, by Breitbart of all groups, to be pro-life). Had Romney nominated Condoleeza Rice for the VP position, which is actually EXACTLY what I feared, I definitely would have sat out of the election, since she was pro-Choice. Eliminating Roe v. Wade has been a deal-breaker for me.

“Paul’s too nutty and too libertarian. But he’s not Deep State and would’ve run to win had he been nominated, but as with you, I had too many problems with him.”

Yeah, he wasn’t Deep State, too bad he still wasn’t much better. One thing I deeply disagreed with him on besides the who abortion angle was his inferring we should be purely isolationist. Ignoring that our attempt at isolationism during the 1930s was an abject failure that just made things worse for us, not to mention others, there’s also the fact that such would have meant abandoning our allies to the enemy, like what we did with Vietnam, and letting them be overrun.

“I misinterpreted your comment to be talking about Adlai being better regarded than JFK by Conservapedia.”

Yeah, I was meaning Ike, Eisenhower. I wasn’t even aware of Adlai until you mentioned him. Read Ike’s article, for example. There’s also the Politically Incorrect Guide to the 1960s as well, that made Eisenhower flattering, while JFK they weren’t particularly fond of by comparison. On that note, the book also made clear that NASA, heck, the entire trip to the moon, was a colossal waste of money.

“I tended to prefer Adams, anyhow. Keeping slavery enshrined in our fledgling nation was a recipe for long-term disaster. Of course, you were going to have a problem with slave colonies not going along in 1776 had it been abolished. A double-edged sword, to be sure. Then again, you have the problem with flawed individuals trying to come up with a system of governance that had the widest-possible appeal. It’s ultimately impossible to create a perfect republican system. Trying to create such a utopia on earth is foolhardy (although that doesn’t preclude us from striving to make it better an ironing out and addressing problems, either).”

Yeah, me too. Well, either him or Alexander Jackson. At least both fully recognized the folly of the French Revolution from the start. And yeah, it’s pretty much impossible, certainly doing so from scratch.

“The biggest mistake the Black community made was jettisoning the self-reliance ethos of Booker T. Washington in favor of radical leftism espoused by W. E. B. Du Bois. Following Washington would’ve seen the Black community largely assimilated into the national culture at large (much like how Southern Europeans and Irish were eventually assimilated after being seen as “non-White” in the 19th century), instead of being culturally divorced and at odds. Of course, Washington himself warned us about people that would seek to exploit Blacks to their detriment, and described the hucksters and con-men we see to this day (from Je$$e Jack$on, Al $harpton, Zero, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters & the CBC and other various media and pop culture “overseers” like the Samuel L. Jackson character in “Django Unchained” to keep the slaves from running away).”

Yeah, they really should have stuck with Booker T. Washington. Well, either him or George Washington Carver, anyway. At least he taught self-reliance, and not the crap self-reliance that Sartre promoted via “existentialism” that essentially implied that people form their own selves, or the form of self-reliance that Gaston was shown to be in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast which painted it in the WORST light since he was the main villain (that reminds me, Jeffrey Katzenberg of ALL the far-left Commie celebrities is probably the closest we’ve ever gotten to one who actually HELD political office, due to him dropping out of NYU to run for John Lindsay’s failed political campaign. And he was responsible for frankly ruining Beauty and the Beast by turning what was originally a fairly good story into a thinly-veiled gender studies textbook.).

“By not showing up, I would argue JFK was providing de facto support to the Democrat/RINO left because he didn’t DEFEND McCarthy at a pivotal moment.”

He had about four years of defending him, even while each year his so-called Democrat friends were piling additional charges and making him look bad by the day. I may personally prefer him defending him that pivotal moment, but at least he actually defended him constantly up to that point, and he had plenty of opportunities to side with the Democrats, his own Catholic voters be darned, for the sake of naked leftism.

“Well, we all make mistakes. The difference is whether we are engaged in such actions accidentally or willfully. I look to another political family I wish had never appeared on the political scene: the Bushes. Dubya (or Shrub, a nickname he has since well earned) was sworn to uphold the Constitution and keep our borders secure. Did he do that ? Nope. He allowed millions of illegals to come in (as did his predecessors and successor) and refused to do anything about it. He didn’t consider it wrong. I had one of those charming individuals for a neighbor from Central America. He should’ve been deported but he wasn’t, because this wasn’t a priority. One day, he apparently tried to kill his wife and two police officers (as I was typing away right here at my computer, got to hear the exchange out my open window). For 7 years, too, another set of neighbors of undetermined status harassed us day and night, cops were called endlessly, and nothing was done (didn’t want to appear “racist” for going after some Mexicans). Of course, these were just two examples. When I hear the lying media tell us about how these folks are just a bunch of innocents and people who want to secure our borders (Trump) are racist and evil, I want to slap them hard across the face. Rapists, murderers, thugs, drunk drivers and more ARE the people that settled into my area and others across the country. They make our communities unsafe and drain our resources. But elitists like Shrub, Pelosi, Schumer, et al, who don’t have these quality folks living feet away from them (indeed, they have security and expensive estates to keep them far, far away in my working-class neighborhood) don’t have them disturbing and threatening them 24/7. If they love them so much, they won’t mind taking them and Mohammadans, too, into their homes and open arms to sleep next to them and their children and grandchildren. Until then, they can STFU.”

Eh, to be fair to Bush, and I’m no fan of him either (he may be better than Clinton or Obama, but then again, that’s not saying much), at least he actually responded to Osama bin Laden’s terror threat by actually striking back. At least he didn’t dither indecisively at any opportunities that arose to kill him unlike Bill Clinton who did so no less than ten times and made 9/11 inevitable, nor did he even actually avoid war despite it obviously being necessary after the bombing of the USS Cole and the World Trade Center bombing of 1993. Though, yeah, I do really wish that Bush actually ATTEMPTED to enforce border security more. Heck, at least Bush wasn’t an outright draft dodger during a war or make tracts against America during anti-American rallies as well as personally leading them, while Clinton was.

“I think the overwhelming bulk of faithful Christians and Jews vote GOP now. The fake JINOs, Cafeteria Catholics (CINOs), and the anti-Christian SJWs (who have taken over countless Christian sects) are obviously going to vote Communist-Democrat.”

I hope you’re right about that. I do know my parish definitely is very much against Roe v. Wade, though, having each anniversary various signs of how many babies were murdered since its passage.

“I think Chief Justice Marshall set the standard for judicial tyranny with Marbury v. Madison.”

Well, I don’t know about that... A misinterpretation by Progressives about his decision might have set the standard for judicial tyranny, but not the decision itself, since the text itself indicates the exact opposite going by this:

“It’s WHAT is taught that is the issue and WHO is teaching it. If you’re using it for indoctrination purposes, it is evil. Smashing the entire system to pieces and not bothering to replace it is just as bad. You neither want an ignorant populace or a brainwashed one. I believe we need a total overhaul of how we educate children. A one-size fits all approach that the corrupt teachers unions support is not working. Each child should have an education tailor-made for his/her needs. I was above average as a youngster and could read before Kindergarten, but I was placed in a subpar sausage factory (public ed) that dumbed me down, kept me disinterested and bored and ultimately crushed my spirit and put me in harm’s way. In many ways, I had to teach myself and try to separate fact from fiction. Public ed taught me that it is everything that is done wrong, and it is kept that way on purpose.”

Man, I sympathize with you there. As a kid, I actually managed to innately know numbers and colors, being able to count up to 13 at the very least, and that was back when I was a preschooler. Not to mention, because I had dysgraphia, and the teachers insisted I do book reports to prove I’ve actually read the book despite being innately capable of reading fast and understanding it very well (though I’ll admit I hadn’t quite mastered the understanding bit in second grade) pretty much killed my interest in reading. Oh, and in sixth grade, thanks to an accident on the track where I ended up having most of my hand skinned off from falling down on it, and my having the rotten luck of both having a competency test AND one of my teachers preparing to enter maternity leave at the same time, not to mention my injured status, they deemed me to have “100% regression” and had me placed into resource as if I were incompetent and/or retarded, and only learned their mistake later on when they tested me for literacy, and they did so without even consenting with my parents.

I’m not sure even a total overhaul would work. Bill Ayers did a total overhaul to the school system, and that made it very much worse. And besides, technically, that’s what the likes of Voltaire did as well. Heck, I went through a private university called Oglethorpe, and, well, let’s just say that that school alone is proof that, even if you get rid of the Department of Education and/or apply school vouchers, it wouldn’t get rid of the trash.

“Well, we’re never going to be able to fully comprehend who He is. That’s above our proverbial pay grade. We can only try to follow what He wants for us and trust it’s the best thing for us.”

Yeah, I realize that. Unfortunately, I’ve also seen far too many instances where those who are unable to be fully comprehended are in fact very evil. Like, for example, Abeloth from the Fate of the Jedi series, or Cthullu. I serve God mostly out of sheer terror, been that way since I saw the ending to Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the other sources I alluded to certainly didn’t help either.

“Too many people support those laws in those states. Even in the Dakotas, I forgot which one, they tried to enact a law to outlaw all abortions and it didn’t pass muster with the voters. Since only a small number would be performed under an exceptions clause, that’s the best route to try to take. The left-wing state voters won’t give it up for any circumstance (short of perhaps outlawing partial-birth, which is too ghoulish even for many Democrats). As for porno stuff, that genie is out of the bottle. As long as there is an interest in sex, that’s going to be around.”

I’m pretty sure there is indeed a way to outlaw most abortions at the very least (not sure about outlawing all of them, unfortunately... if it’s anything like Prohibition, that may just make the problem worse). And if science actually proves a growing baby is life, I’m pretty sure they’ll fall into line. Regarding porno, true, it might be around as long as an interest in sex is around (and let’s face it, an interest in sex is ultimately a necessary evil to live by since sex is the only thing that allows the human race to continue to exist, responsible for procreation). But on the other hand, pornography was pretty rare due to the state laws banning it during the Founding Fathers days, and was nowhere near as big as after Warren’s foolish decision, and pornography has been with us since Adam and Eve ate that apple, so if they can at the very least minimize porn back then, we can certainly do the same today.

“Yeah, it was headed downhill under Pat Brown, though he couldn’t extinguish it entirely. Sadly, thanks to Ike and his national demolition of the GOP in 1958, it made the election of Pat Brown possible when GOP Senate Minority Leader Bill Knowland and Gov. Goodwin Knight tried to switch jobs. It enabled the capture of the state by Democrats who effectively disenfranchised the GOP voting majority and they never recovered from that (not even Reagan was able to do so).”

Well, at least there’s still GOP/conservatives in the California wilderness. And maybe there’s a way to basically jujitsu the whole “two party vote” jungle thing the Democrats have.

116 posted on 11/02/2018 4:29:06 PM PDT by otness_e
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