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To: otness_e
"Well, he certainly ran as the so-called “First Black President” back in 2008, I can tell you THAT much (and I voted for McCain and Romney, both times mostly because it was either them or Obama. Heck, Romney wasn’t even my first choice, it was Rick Santorum (mostly because he showed the most promise of repealing Roe v. Wade)."

He wasn't the first to run. You had Je$$e Jack$on back in 1984 and Amb. Alan Keyes, too. 2008 and 2012 was the absolute nadir of the GOP when it came to Presidential candidate, the worst trash and most deceitful rose to the top. Competent leaders didn't bother to run as they didn't want them and their families gang-raped by the media. Zero should've been easily defeated, and could've been with a candidate willing to run a tough race. As we found out, Willard and McQueeg were there to help elect him and play the role of gracious loser. Santorum was second-tier with respect to his viability. His bad loss for a 3rd term in PA in 2006 didn't help, either.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I’m very much aware of that. Heck, I’m even aware that Martin Luther King Jr. was investigated by the FBI under JFK as well. And yes, he was duplicituous as well, never even said or implied he was even a good president. I was just saying he still held to some conservative principles like love of country and all of that shebang. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama don’t even make it a secret that they outright hated America, heck, George Lucas didn’t even make it a secret he hated America in 1973 or earlier (and yes, I know he isn’t an actual elected official, but he HAS done political stuff before, so he ultimately still counts)."

Though, as I've laid out, I never would call those "conservative principles." It was pure love of power and to carry out the family desire of installing a Kennedy in the White House. It was supposed to be Joe, Sr., but his death in WW2 prevented that from happening (who knows how he would've been, but if his brothers were any indication, someone who should not have been near power). I think there was some hatred of country at work in the psyche of the Kennedys, because as Irish Catholics, they were seen as not being able to have the same entree into the halls of power and privilege as with WASPs. It was a "Well, we'll show them !" More like revenge.

"Hey, I’m pretty much in agreement with you regarding Nixon that he probably would have made a better president (though that being said, I did hear that allegedly, Nixon or at least his campaign staff may have cheated in Illinois. That’s what TVTropes said under “Vote Early, Vote Often”, and that that was part of the reason he didn’t bother contesting the questionable results. Note that I never added it in, I only added the bit about Nixon being honorable enough to not question the ballot box for the sake of continuity, someone else added in the bit about him or at least his campaign staff possibly committing voter fraud)."

Whatever went on in IL in GOP areas was nothing compared to the Democrat-mafia corruption in Chicago. We already saw how much fraud went on in WV to deliver the state over Humphrey, and that was just in a Democrat primary. IL was not the only state where that fraud was going on. Texas was another, and LBJ was very skilled at fixing elections, especially the infamous 1948 Democrat Senate primary against Gov. Coke Stevenson. Stevenson, a Conservative Tory, was the actual winner, but the national Dems refused to overturn the corrupt returns.

"I’m not sure I entirely agree with you regarding Ike, though. He certainly took the Soviets more seriously than FDR did, where he if anything cozied on up with the likes of Stalin, far beyond what was necessary to win World War II and even compared him positively to Great Britain, claiming the USSR wasn’t Imperialist (well, gee, knowing what the USSR truly was like, I’d probably prefer an “Imperialist” country like the USSR to a Communist one). And besides, I heard that part of the reason why he simply let the Soviets launch Sputnik first was because the alternative was to have global Soviet-orchestrated protests if we did it first in a clear temper tantrum over getting second place compared to us, so there were some foreign policy issues about that (and either way, we outclassed the Soviets technologically and militarily. Probably the only part they were actually a threat at was espionage). And to be fair, he did acknowledge adding Brennan and Warren to the Supreme Court was a mistake, so he deserves credit there."

There's little positive I can say about Eisenhower given the damage he inflicted to the party. I would've supported Robert Taft, Sr. in 1952 (his running mate was going to be Gen. Douglas MacArthur). Another sadly little-known fact about Eisenhower is that his operatives went into the South and destroyed the biracial coalitions in control of local party apparatii (supporting Taft) and replaced them with all-White Ike sycophants. That would partly result within a decade of many newly-enfranchised Southern Blacks going almost entirely to the Democrats, whereas prior to that, they were able to participate in GOP politics. Taft would've nationally brought back Black voters into the GOP (he was highly regarded by Blacks in his support of Civil Rights). Unfortunately for Taft, he still would've died of cancer in 1953, and would've been replaced by MacArthur. I think MacArthur (like Patton) would've made a superb President and would've been unapologetic in foreign policy against domestic enemies. He wouldn't have thrown Sen. McCarthy under the bus, either. Eisenhower was just too plain Establishment and refused to dismantle two decades of Socialist Democrat Big "Gubmint" policies, which should've been done from day #1. He set the standard for promises of GOP politicians claiming they would scale back government, only to leave it larger than ever before. No GOP President since Warren Harding has drastically cut government, taxes and spending taking over from a Dem administration. Almost 100 years. Even President Trump hasn't been able to do that.

"Like I said, I agree he’s not ideally conservative. But he certainly was far more Conservative than FDR ever was."

FDR was simply a dictator. But there hasn't been any "Conservative" Democrat to serve as President since Bourbonite Grover Cleveland was last elected in 1892. Since 1896, there has only been two occasions when non-liberals were nominated: Judge Alton Parker in 1904 (he was a moderate) and former Wilson Solicitor-General and Amb. to the UK John W. Davis in 1924. At no point other than for those two has a non-liberal leftist been nominated, and that includes JFK. JFK was never not an ideal "Conservative" because he never was a "Conservative" in any way. He believed in using the government to achieve his ends, same as FDR and virtually every Democrat. That's the definition of anti-Conservative.

"At least he actually ATTEMPTED to fight off Communism, even backed up McCarthy when the odds were against him."

But he left McCarthy to twist in the wind in 1954. He could've stepped up and repudiated the attacks and burnished some "Conservative" bonafides. Instead, he made sure he was out of the Senate so he didn't have to vote. That was cowardice.

"I’ve seen plenty of Democrat politicians sell out their supposed constituencies simply in favor of leftist causes, in far less time as well, even those who have built up a massive reputation of being something they really weren’t. Besides, I’m pretty sure even the corrupt media (which had been corrupt since Lippmann basically did his “Public Opinion” thing) would turn on JFK on a dime if he even remotely considers fighting Cuba or the Vietcong. Heck, the leftist media actually turned against LBJ after the Tet Offensive (remember, it was Walter Cronkite’s treasonous report that convinced LBJ to basically not run for reelection, thinking middle America turned against him, and he was very far to the left [well, not as far as Clinton or Obama, even LBJ loved his country, while those two clearly didn’t, but still pretty far to the left]. And we later get a redo of what the corrupt media would do to future presidents with Watergate and Nixon. That’s also why I’m pretty sure LBJ wouldn’t have needed to assassinate JFK to get his spot, just do something similar to Monica Lewinsky and leak to the press, after “ensuring their cooperation”, exposing that JFK slept with an East German Spy, and they’d oust JFK.)."

But frankly, JFK did sell out his constituencies. He pretended to be a stalwart defender of traditional Catholic values, and we know how phony that was. There just wasn't anything admirable about him. Just another in a long line of power-hungry aspirants who've inspired the same, and that includes Clinton and Zero.

"Oh, I fully agree with you there that Patton was the better choice. Heck, we probably should have had someone other than FDR who was the closest we ever had to a ruler for life do things. I was just saying Truman selling out MacArthur and to a certain extent McCarthy didn’t impact his reputation of being a hardline anti-Communist that’s being taught in schools to this day. And believe me, if Truman could do that with his reputation intact, I’m pretty sure JFK could do the same and backstab McCarthy."

The mistake that led to FDR was nominating and electing a former Wilson Progressive in Herbert Hoover in 1928. We should've gone with Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon instead. Mellon was arguably the greatest individual to have held that office. He was hated with a burning passion by FDR, and that made him magnificent in my book. I think Mellon would've pursued a course that kept 1929 to just a "panic." Hoover set the course for using government interference in economic affairs that was exploded beyond belief under FDR and helped create a whole dependency class (his policies contributed greatly to enslaving Blacks to welfare and making them permanent Democrat slaves). Even FDR's first VP, Cactus Jack Garner, who was center-right, would've been a superior President, but because Garner was merely being used for Southern votes, the left-wing party wasn't about to let the guy supplant FDR in 1940 (they installed flakey pro-Soviet Henry Wallace). When Truman supplanted Wallace in 1944, he wasn't even FDR's preferred choice, he wanted the equally flakey and ultraleft loon Wild Bill Douglas from the Supreme Court. I guess the upside would've been a President Wallace or Douglas would've likely lost in 1944 or 1948 after FDR died. Of course, Gov. Dewey would've been about as subpar as Eisenhower (his 1944 running mate would've made a better President, Conservative OH Gov. John Bricker).

"Eh, I don’t know, Truman definitely seemed awfully eager to risk losing reelection and royally tick off his (non-Communist) base to basically tar and feather McCarthy, not to mention Whittaker Chambers, for trying to expose actual Communist threats."

McCarthy wasn't a nationally known figure in 1948, so he wasn't a real target of Truman's in that election. Truman knew he was going to lose had he run in 1952, one reason he tried to persuade Ike to run as a Democrat (too bad he didn't -- if Ike had done to the Democrats what he did to the GOP, the Republicans would've had a supermajority at the end of his regime). Truman was in over his head, anyhow. His 1949-53 term was a complete fiasco.

"Yeah, and I give Trump a whole lot of credit for breaking them free."

Trying to, but we won't know if it works until we see the election results.

"I’m just noting the tendency for them to continue backing the same guys who bite their hands every time. Heck, not even LBJ’s remark on the plane was enough to dissuade them from voting Democrat, and in most movies, someone saying that kind of thing in front of people just have their reputations tarnished beyond repair, lose out on a whole lot."

As I said, it's a whole pathology that has taken decades to ingrain.

"Besides, its not just blacks that are impacted by this (I’m not even going to bother covering Catholics since you already mentioned them). Jews continue voting in droves for Democrats despite the fact that they not only constantly stab them in the back recently, but even FDR, their hero, pretty much refused to let them entry in the leadup to World War II when they were obviously trying to escape from the Nazis due to fears that they were Fascist plants (in fact, ironically, the guys he DID let in, the Frankfurt School, turned out to be people even WORSE than the Nazis), with several even fearing that Trump and his staff were Nazis, even claiming one keynote speaker gave the Hitler salute thanks to some editing from ABC (and I’d know this because one of the people at my think tank actually DID relay this to me)."

Sadly, many American Jews are not devout practitioners of their religion. They wear the label of heritage, but their religion now is Socialism/Communism. If you see some of the writings of the latter individuals, the derangement is off the charts. They think Trump = Hitler or worse. This is a mental illness and soul sickness. You can't reason with people that think that way. If you swapped out these fake Jews for Israeli Jews, support for Trump would be 3/4ths or higher.

"And don’t get me started on how the Japanese/Asians seem to vote Democrat even after the whole Internment Camps that were made under FDR’s watch, who last I checked was a Democrat, and far left at that (well, at the very least, George Takei continues backing Democrats, even AFTER the whole Internment Camp issue)."

Although it varies with some Asians, unfortunately many in this country support a generous social welfare system, why many vote Democrat. If only they voted more like Vietnamese-Americans.

"And don’t get me started on the latino stuff either and how so many of them seem to back Democrats even when it obviously is not in their best interest to do so (as the Latino Caucus demonstrated time and again, up to and including one of Trump’s state of the union addresses where they failed to give credit where credit was due regarding actually putting latinos to work). All that taken into account, it really IS a miracle that Trump manage to avert a Hillary Clinton presidency. And for that, I’m truly grateful."

Latino groups vary, too. Sadly, many of the ones in urban California support the Marxist Atzlan interests, open borders loons. Curiously, the ones who are farmers in the Central Valley are far less so and will consider voting Republican (the actor/comedian Paul Rodriguez, once an outspoken far-leftist, took up their cause on water issues and became a Conservative, which all but made him vanish from Hollywood). Latinos in Texas vary, too. Same for Florida (unfortunately, many Cubans in the generations removed from Castro have been trending leftward - the Cuban GOP Congressmembers are uniformally awful, very left-wing now. They were center-right 20 years ago). I personally hope they get supplanted by Venezuelans, who are very anti-leftist.

"Maybe not, but on the other hand, Ed Asner did in fact moderate a presidential debate in 2016, so I’m not too sure about that. And besides, I know that Martin Sheen absolutely refused to back Barack Obama due to his abortion stance. That would have most likely resulted in him being denounced by his own Democrat party knowing how utterly totalitarian they were. Read about it here: Seeing him actually refuse to back Barack Obama would make me think he probably wouldn’t breach from that bit regardless of what the party thinks."

Of course, Asner is a Stalinist. Mary Tyler Moore was trying to moderate him, but now that she's gone... But Martin Sheen has little pull anymore, so he can be viewed as anachronistic.

"Yeah, I’m far too aware of that. Heck, it’s even real for those in education. Had to put up or shut up regarding my views at college, and I nearly got brainwashed there."

I'm self-educated. I'm too outspoken to have put up with that leftist crap. I'd have been a lightning rod on campus.

"I know who he is, largely because I watched him and Roger Simon on PJTV’s Poliwood. I’m pretty sure there are still some right-wing celebrities, though. Brooke Anne Smith probably qualifies as one (note that I said “probably”), since she does mention how freedom isn’t free (I simply cannot imagine a leftist saying that), that she supports our military, and supports the second amendment (those are definitely stuff leftists do not support) in her twitter and Instagram pages. In fact, probably the only thing she actually supports that might qualify as leftist is gay marriage at one point, though I suspect based on correspondence with her that that may have been mandated by the higher ups and out of her hands (she effectively stated when you’re given a script to do a role, you don’t exactly have much options but to perform to it). To be honest, I’m actually surprised she even mentioned gun rights and the military in a positive manner there, especially considering how leftist Hollywood would not tolerate positive depictions of such. There’s also Jodi Benson (aka, the voice of Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid), who is a committed Christian, and based on some comments on IMDb back when they had actual comment pages, she also is against Gay Marriage. Kelsey Grammar and Mel Gibson, heck, Clint Eastwood as well, definitely qualified as Conservative. But I do agree with you that the vast majority of the celebrities were far-left, unfortunately. And hopefully it IS a kiss of death at this point, but we shall wait and see."

I don't know who Brooke Anne Smith is. Some of the others that are Conservatives are very-little known, others no longer care and are able to keep working, but it's not many. James Woods is outspoken on Twitter now, but he acknowledges now they won't employ him in Hollywood. I remember Ah-nold Schwarzenpecker was cited as a "Hollywood Conservative", but as we know from his ghastly turn as Governor, he was a devout Socialist who wanted to purge every center-right political figure out of the CA GOP. I warned folks here on FR 15 years ago how bad he would be, and he turned out even worse. Nothing like having Democrats and Communists wrecking the GOP from within (why many were panicked that Trump might be yet another of those, which it turned out wasn't true, fortunately).

109 posted on 10/30/2018 11:28:15 AM PDT by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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To: fieldmarshaldj

“He wasn’t the first to run. You had Je$$e Jack$on back in 1984 and Amb. Alan Keyes, too. 2008 and 2012 was the absolute nadir of the GOP when it came to Presidential candidate, the worst trash and most deceitful rose to the top. Competent leaders didn’t bother to run as they didn’t want them and their families gang-raped by the media. Zero should’ve been easily defeated, and could’ve been with a candidate willing to run a tough race. As we found out, Willard and McQueeg were there to help elect him and play the role of gracious loser. Santorum was second-tier with respect to his viability. His bad loss for a 3rd term in PA in 2006 didn’t help, either.”

Hey, I’m just going by what the press indicated. I know about Keyes ran for office before Obama, not to mention there were plans for Colin Powell to run as a Republican as well. And don’t remind me of Jesse Jackson, who sold out the pro-life groups.

“Though, as I’ve laid out, I never would call those “conservative principles.” It was pure love of power and to carry out the family desire of installing a Kennedy in the White House. It was supposed to be Joe, Sr., but his death in WW2 prevented that from happening (who knows how he would’ve been, but if his brothers were any indication, someone who should not have been near power). I think there was some hatred of country at work in the psyche of the Kennedys, because as Irish Catholics, they were seen as not being able to have the same entree into the halls of power and privilege as with WASPs. It was a “Well, we’ll show them !” More like revenge.”

I’m pretty sure if he actually did hate our country, he would not have bothered trying to fight against the Communists at all, seriously or unseriously, and if anything threw the gates wide open to the Communists and invite them over to invade us. Heck, Obama openly rooted for the terrorists to take control and bomb American soldiers even while he was President, not to mention openly told various motley mobs to basically kill anyone they found like some Purge movie. I’m pretty sure JFK would have done that, even go so far as to ship Cuban Communists to America and bomb the heck out of everyone while telling everyone they’re screwed, or heck, releasing criminals and telling them to murder fellow Americans and cut loose. That’s certainly what I would have done if I were president and hated my country. Not that I actually hate my country, of course (in fact, I’m disgusted that Lucas actually rooted for the Vietcong and tricked a lot of Americans into doing the same.).

“Whatever went on in IL in GOP areas was nothing compared to the Democrat-mafia corruption in Chicago. We already saw how much fraud went on in WV to deliver the state over Humphrey, and that was just in a Democrat primary. IL was not the only state where that fraud was going on. Texas was another, and LBJ was very skilled at fixing elections, especially the infamous 1948 Democrat Senate primary against Gov. Coke Stevenson. Stevenson, a Conservative Tory, was the actual winner, but the national Dems refused to overturn the corrupt returns.”

Yeah, I’m far too familiar with the Democrat “fixes” with votes, especially LBJ (heck, I even suspect that one of the reasons Obama won reelection was due to Obama’s group stuffing the ballot box in various states. It seems suspicious that most if not all of the states that went for Romney just so happened to be Voter ID states, while most if not all of the states that went for Obama lacked Voter ID.). And I wasn’t saying that Illinois somehow exonerated JFK (actually, if anything, I didn’t even KNOW that Illinois apparently had voter fraud on Nixon’s side until someone on TVTropes noted it. My original edit if anything simply mentioned Nixon being honorable enough to not contest the vote even when he had every right to do so, putting country over himself).

“There’s little positive I can say about Eisenhower given the damage he inflicted to the party. I would’ve supported Robert Taft, Sr. in 1952 (his running mate was going to be Gen. Douglas MacArthur). Another sadly little-known fact about Eisenhower is that his operatives went into the South and destroyed the biracial coalitions in control of local party apparatii (supporting Taft) and replaced them with all-White Ike sycophants. That would partly result within a decade of many newly-enfranchised Southern Blacks going almost entirely to the Democrats, whereas prior to that, they were able to participate in GOP politics. Taft would’ve nationally brought back Black voters into the GOP (he was highly regarded by Blacks in his support of Civil Rights). Unfortunately for Taft, he still would’ve died of cancer in 1953, and would’ve been replaced by MacArthur. I think MacArthur (like Patton) would’ve made a superb President and would’ve been unapologetic in foreign policy against domestic enemies. He wouldn’t have thrown Sen. McCarthy under the bus, either. Eisenhower was just too plain Establishment and refused to dismantle two decades of Socialist Democrat Big “Gubmint” policies, which should’ve been done from day #1. He set the standard for promises of GOP politicians claiming they would scale back government, only to leave it larger than ever before. No GOP President since Warren Harding has drastically cut government, taxes and spending taking over from a Dem administration. Almost 100 years. Even President Trump hasn’t been able to do that.”

Yeah, there definitely was bad he did. Still, he had to do something right in order to be elected twice, and not via ballot stuffing, either. And to be fair, we did have to worry about the Communists first and foremost (though I kinda wish, even if it meant Soviet-orchestrated protests, that we launched the spy satellite first instead of the Soviets.).

“FDR was simply a dictator. But there hasn’t been any “Conservative” Democrat to serve as President since Bourbonite Grover Cleveland was last elected in 1892. Since 1896, there has only been two occasions when non-liberals were nominated: Judge Alton Parker in 1904 (he was a moderate) and former Wilson Solicitor-General and Amb. to the UK John W. Davis in 1924. At no point other than for those two has a non-liberal leftist been nominated, and that includes JFK. JFK was never not an ideal “Conservative” because he never was a “Conservative” in any way. He believed in using the government to achieve his ends, same as FDR and virtually every Democrat. That’s the definition of anti-Conservative.”

Maybe, but on the other hand, being for no government doesn’t exactly make one conservative either. Just look at the Weathermen, or the Marxists, heck, just look at Michel Foucault especially (who was so dead-set against authority and government that he actually stated there shouldn’t be any court systems at all, not even socialist “people’s courts”, and instead just do mob vigilante violence like the September Massacres): Those guys advocated complete destruction of government and leaving no government in place, and they obviously aren’t conservative by ANY stretch. Heck, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the guy who found the anarchist movement, practically advocated for the same stuff Karl Marx did, and Rousseau and the Jacobins for that matter (it’s a very big misconception that anarchists are right-wing while totalitarians are left wing, just as it is a misconception that Nazis/fascists are right wing while communists are left-wing. Actually, if anything, totalitarian and anarchistic views fall under the same place on the political scale, the far left). And believe me, compared to Obama and Clinton, JFK is conservative by comparison. Even my dad says that, and he’s as conservative as one can get.

“But he left McCarthy to twist in the wind in 1954. He could’ve stepped up and repudiated the attacks and burnished some “Conservative” bonafides. Instead, he made sure he was out of the Senate so he didn’t have to vote. That was cowardice.”

Well, at least he didn’t vote to remove him. I know if I were JFK and a full-on leftist, I’d actually vote him out with zeal, basking in his horror that I betrayed him in pure sociopathic relish. And I’d know this because that’s EXACTLY how most other Democrats acted, up to and even including Obama, to people who placed trust in them.

“But frankly, JFK did sell out his constituencies. He pretended to be a stalwart defender of traditional Catholic values, and we know how phony that was. There just wasn’t anything admirable about him. Just another in a long line of power-hungry aspirants who’ve inspired the same, and that includes Clinton and Zero.”

Quite frankly, I’m pretty sure if he sold out his constituencies, he would have done it openly, sort of like how Obama openly backstabbed his constituencies, or the Congressional Black Caucus, or heck, Jesse Jackson with his switching from pro-life to pro-abortion at the drop of a hat. I’ll give you his selling out Catholic voters, though: His statement about not serving the word of the Pope and having Diem assassinated certainly would not have reflected well on pro-Catholic elements (certainly didn’t with me). And quite frankly, I’m not too fond of JFK myself (that said, he was STILL more respectable and still came across as being closer to conservative than Robert or ESPECIALLY Ted).

“The mistake that led to FDR was nominating and electing a former Wilson Progressive in Herbert Hoover in 1928. We should’ve gone with Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon instead. Mellon was arguably the greatest individual to have held that office. He was hated with a burning passion by FDR, and that made him magnificent in my book. I think Mellon would’ve pursued a course that kept 1929 to just a “panic.” Hoover set the course for using government interference in economic affairs that was exploded beyond belief under FDR and helped create a whole dependency class (his policies contributed greatly to enslaving Blacks to welfare and making them permanent Democrat slaves). Even FDR’s first VP, Cactus Jack Garner, who was center-right, would’ve been a superior President, but because Garner was merely being used for Southern votes, the left-wing party wasn’t about to let the guy supplant FDR in 1940 (they installed flakey pro-Soviet Henry Wallace). When Truman supplanted Wallace in 1944, he wasn’t even FDR’s preferred choice, he wanted the equally flakey and ultraleft loon Wild Bill Douglas from the Supreme Court. I guess the upside would’ve been a President Wallace or Douglas would’ve likely lost in 1944 or 1948 after FDR died. Of course, Gov. Dewey would’ve been about as subpar as Eisenhower (his 1944 running mate would’ve made a better President, Conservative OH Gov. John Bricker).”

Yeah, I also wasn’t fond of that either from Hoover (though to be fair, a lot of the problems were caused by the Bonus Army causing a riot, and many of them being explicit Communists in all but name, and how FDR apparently engineered that little riot behind the scenes.). There were probably far better ways to do it, but then again, it’s all guess work at this point. We definitely shouldn’t have trusted Keyes, which they obviously did.

“McCarthy wasn’t a nationally known figure in 1948, so he wasn’t a real target of Truman’s in that election. Truman knew he was going to lose had he run in 1952, one reason he tried to persuade Ike to run as a Democrat (too bad he didn’t — if Ike had done to the Democrats what he did to the GOP, the Republicans would’ve had a supermajority at the end of his regime). Truman was in over his head, anyhow. His 1949-53 term was a complete fiasco. “

He was by 1952, and besides, there’s still Whittaker Chambers, and ESPECIALLY MacArthur, firing them would have ruined his reputation, yet he didn’t care. I know if I were in his position, I’d be genuinely terrified of doing anything bad to them because if I did, that would destroy a reputation I’ve cultivated about being anti-Communist, and thus wouldn’t DARE try to lay a finger on them, let alone demonize or even fire them unless I can find an excuse to do so.

“Trying to, but we won’t know if it works until we see the election results.”

Yes, which will be in a week. Let’s hope for the best. America needs fixing, badly, especially after far too many leftist crap. Of course, I’m not even sure if it CAN be fixed, not after reading Liberty, the God that Failed, anyways (not without REALLY redoing the whole thing, which is its own problem.).

“Sadly, many American Jews are not devout practitioners of their religion. They wear the label of heritage, but their religion now is Socialism/Communism. If you see some of the writings of the latter individuals, the derangement is off the charts. They think Trump = Hitler or worse. This is a mental illness and soul sickness. You can’t reason with people that think that way. If you swapped out these fake Jews for Israeli Jews, support for Trump would be 3/4ths or higher.”

Yeah, I’m far too familiar with that rhetoric (not that the J-Street Jews were much better, and they’re Hasidic, meaning pretty religious, and some of them STILL vote Democrat even after being backstabbed multiple times). Doesn’t help that at Bob Iger (yes, the same guy who runs Walt Disney right now) IS a religious jew who is also a big enough Clintonite Democrat that he sabotaged any chance at Path to 9/11 seeing a DVD release solely to allow Hillary Clinton to run in 2008. At least, his being religious is what some web pages like Jesus Is Savior claimed. Socialism/Communism is certainly their belief worldview, though I wouldn’t call it a religion (in my mind, a religion requires a deity, supernatural elements, and an afterlife. Socialism/Communism has none, at least, not the latter two.). As far as Israeli Jews, I hope you’re right, but I’m a bit cynical on that front, since I heard that a lot of Israel’s elected officials and judges are pro-Palestinian right now, meaning it’s probably not going to be much better if we swapped them out.

“Although it varies with some Asians, unfortunately many in this country support a generous social welfare system, why many vote Democrat. If only they voted more like Vietnamese-Americans.”

Yeah, especially when Vietnamese-Americans most likely remember what happened in Vietnam when the Vietcong/NVA took over. And don’t get me started on Japanese people who AREN’T even American citizens. Hideo Kojima, the guy who does Metal Gear, for example, actually was a huge Obama supporter and basically used his games since at least Metal Gear Solid 2 to demonize America as a horrible nation that doesn’t even deserve to exist (even going so far as to call it the “biggest evil”), one game even being devoted to worshipping Che Guevara, and that was DESPITE his nearly causing nuclear war, which naturally would have affected Japan as Peace Walker (the game that lionized that monster) ironically pointed out, to occur during the Cuban Missile Crisis (and would have succeeded had Khrushchev not put a muzzle on him).

“Latino groups vary, too. Sadly, many of the ones in urban California support the Marxist Atzlan interests, open borders loons. Curiously, the ones who are farmers in the Central Valley are far less so and will consider voting Republican (the actor/comedian Paul Rodriguez, once an outspoken far-leftist, took up their cause on water issues and became a Conservative, which all but made him vanish from Hollywood). Latinos in Texas vary, too. Same for Florida (unfortunately, many Cubans in the generations removed from Castro have been trending leftward - the Cuban GOP Congressmembers are uniformally awful, very left-wing now. They were center-right 20 years ago). I personally hope they get supplanted by Venezuelans, who are very anti-leftist.”

Yeah, and let’s hope the Venezuelans don’t make the same mistake the Cubans made regarding becoming leftist later on. Heck, I had an Education professor who actually descended from Cubans who was at the very least left-of-center, if not full on leftist, so I know exactly what you’re talking about regarding Cubans going leftist despite fleeing from the result of leftwing policies.

“Of course, Asner is a Stalinist. Mary Tyler Moore was trying to moderate him, but now that she’s gone... But Martin Sheen has little pull anymore, so he can be viewed as anachronistic.”

No kidding about Asner. Definitely learned that about him after his little role as narrator of that awful Tax the Rich cartoon. Sheesh, what’s his issue with free markets, anyway?

“I’m self-educated. I’m too outspoken to have put up with that leftist crap. I’d have been a lightning rod on campus.”

I don’t know about self-educated, but I did have a lot of help from my parents being engaged in critical thinking. And I know I’ve at times been framed for saying stuff on campus at least once during my time at Oglethorpe.

“I don’t know who Brooke Anne Smith is. Some of the others that are Conservatives are very-little known, others no longer care and are able to keep working, but it’s not many. James Woods is outspoken on Twitter now, but he acknowledges now they won’t employ him in Hollywood. I remember Ah-nold Schwarzenpecker was cited as a “Hollywood Conservative”, but as we know from his ghastly turn as Governor, he was a devout Socialist who wanted to purge every center-right political figure out of the CA GOP. I warned folks here on FR 15 years ago how bad he would be, and he turned out even worse. Nothing like having Democrats and Communists wrecking the GOP from within (why many were panicked that Trump might be yet another of those, which it turned out wasn’t true, fortunately).”

I’ll admit I was nervous when Trump implied he would consider not repealing Roe v. Wade in a stump speech in New York during the 2016 election (that basically acts as my smell test, especially considering I’m obligated as a Catholic to end it). Fortunately, his pick of Mike Pence eliminated those doubts. As far as who Brooke Anne Smith is, well, this is her twitter account: also her Instagram account: Had she been a leftist, I’m pretty sure her posts would have called for gun control, claiming freedom is free, and or demonized the military, like how Sarah Silvermann or several other Hollywood leftists such as Michael Moore or George Lucas have done all of that and more. And I’m pretty sure people would be somewhat familiar with Jodi Benson, since she voiced Ariel in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, aka the movie that saved Disney from bankruptcy. On that note, Kelsey Grammar came out as a Republican back in 2003 and even mocked Michael Moore, also founded the RightNetwork (of course, I’m not fond of the fact that he is pro-choice, which is the main reason I don’t fully support him, but still...). And Clint Eastwood is one of the few open conservatives in Hollywood, played Dirty Harry.

And shame on Schwartzenegger, he should have known better especially considering how his dad was a Nazi and clearly wasn’t fond of that fact (and Nazis were on the left).

110 posted on 10/30/2018 1:27:58 PM PDT by otness_e
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