Posted on 05/25/2018 6:02:18 AM PDT by rktman
Agree 100%.
Really - what’s the hold up?
I guess the democrats will be OK with it if Trump ‘protects’ the democrats the same way next election?
YES! NOW! Why have ANY Obama minions been able to keep their jobs?? They are the ENEMY (quote Hillary Clinton) Even if we dont look at them like that, they certainly view us as the enemy!
“....If they aren’t on some sort of retainer (and why should they be?) their security clearance should have been cancelled their last day on the job just like a lot of us peons. My last day, no more clearance or access to anything classified. Legally anyway. As a bonus, if caught looking at or dispensing classified material-—— Slammer time....”
Totally agree. As stated above, they view us as “the enemy”. We should NOT trust them with anything. They should have been gone within the first week of his presidency. Anything less brings the chaos that we’ve been witnessing for the last year. Fire em all and pull all security clearances.
I’ve held several jobs that required various levels of security clearance and when I left the security clearance went away that day. When we were launching military payloads on the shuttle, our clearances were raised. When we no longer were doing military payloads, the clearances were reduced to lower levels. What the hell is the hold up on these liars and leakers. ZERO excuse for them to retain IMHO.
D.C. to Trump:"Declasify the whole stinking mess.!!!!!
Hillary Clinton still has a clearance, as do all her aides including Muslim Brotherhood agent Huma Abedin.
What I find baffling is why every single political appointee of the Obama regime wasn’t summarily fired upon the nanosecond Trump’s inauguration was complete.
Youve heard your newly adopted child is very naughty. When they think youre not watching is when they do their misdeeds. But, youve been watching, installed hidden home webcams, recorded. Its taken awhile, but now you have undeniable evidence on them stealing money, abusing the dog, doing drugs. And its discipline time. Theyre gonna wail and gnash their teeth and call the police on you. Tough chit, child.
Tough chit, rats.
No, just cancel Obama and his minions.
I like the imagery of your statement “summarily fired upon”! I know what you meant, but dang, that sounds good!
“Gorka to Trump: Cancel Obama admin’s security clearances
D.C. to Trump:”Declasify the whole stinking mess.!!!!!”
Could not agree more.....I can’t wait for obama and his whole administration are taken down.
A good start, but there's plenty more to do: we need to retrieve govt-issue computers Obama illegally removed from
the White House (US Government property), probably relocated to Obama's OFA operations located in his DC residence.
<><>the govt computers would show what Obama knew, and when he knew it,
<><> any email he had with the Clintons
<><> bombshells like Obama's disloyalty to his own party.
The missing govt computers are apparently the only known electronic links to Obama's clandestine operations
and are crucial evidence of his outrageous spying on a presidential candidate....and the cover-up.
President Trump:
Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414
CONGRESS: Capitol Switchboard 1-866-220-0044
USAG Jeff Sessions
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Comment Line: 202-353-1555
Switchboard: 202-514-2000
Obama handed $1.7 Billion tax Dollars in CASH and pallets of gold bars.
So where did Obama get all that wealth to handover to Iran? Here's a clue.
OBAMA GAVE RHAM EMANUEL TWO KEY JOBS Soon as they occupied the WH, Obama placed his COS Rahm Emanuel in control of the US Dept of the Treasury (oversees the IRS).
PAUSE TO REFLECT First-term Obama had tight control of Treasury; Obama calculatedly placed his then-COS Rahm Emanuel in a dual the WH and at Treasury. Obama had a stranglehold on Treasury via COS Rahm Emanuel's dual role
THE SMOKING GUN---WSJ REPORT--On Jan 20, 2009 Timothy Geithner was appointed Obama's Secy of the Treasury. But within three weeks, the Obama White House tightened its grip on Treasury. Obama put his COS, Rahm Emanuel, in charge of Treasury---Rahm Emanuel's dual role was an unusual move.
When he got to Treasury, WH COS Rahm Emanuel was so involved in the inner workings that the phrase "Rahm wants it" had become an unofficial mantra among subservient govt staffers, prostrate in obeisance, scurrying to accede to Rahm's wishes, according to Treasury government officials. Reported by WSJ / 05/31/09
More here:
Pres Trump needs to suggest AG Sessions make an inquiry to the US Dept of the Treasury.
The key question is what RAHM AND Obama were doing in the US Treasury after Obama got elected.
Treasury prolly HAS a huge Rahm/Obama paper trail. One can get awfully rich awfully fast knowing the Fed's Treasury moves in advance.
But the Iran connection could prove to be even more interesting considering the hundreds of millions and gold bars Obama secretly gave to Iran.
A security clearance never gets “Cancelled”. When you leave a position in which you have “need to know”, you get read off from access to that compartment. Your security clearance is for life, meaning if 20 years after you get read off, you reveal intel from that position, you go to jail (unless your related the to Hildabeest, of course). Now if you get your clearance revoked, you will never be able to gain access to classified information again. I agree with Gorka!
Hmmm... hadn’t given that consideration, but I soitenly agree!!!!
The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life, Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin. Thats going to be very, very powerful, Waters said. That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that its never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. Theyre going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they cant get around it. And hes [President Obama] been very smart. Its very powerful what hes leaving in place.
REALTY CHECK: Obama has no right to use US govt resources to compile sensitive info for a political party's campaign use.
REALITY CHECK: Nobody Knows How Many Obama-Era Presidential Records Are Missing. Start here to find out.
NOTE: Let's understand. what's going on here (story below). Obama colluded with Hillary to hide State Dept documents. But the unspoken reason for this unheard of deletion, appropriation and illegal conversion of govt documents is to COVER-UP Obama's part in some horrendous activities. (1) The secret billion dollar Iran deal that included pallets of cash and gold bars....(2) the uranium deal, and, (3) the State Dept's Muslim Engagement activities....(as just three examples) undermines the safety and security of Americans and their families. More than likely, hidden in these documents are Obama's transmitting billions of tax dollars to his pals.....some very dangerous foreign despots. Note that the documents taken are listed by pathological liar Hillary......AND IS TOTALLY UNVERIFIABLE.
AFTER SHE LOST Clinton Says She Struck Deal With Obama State Dept. to Keep Records Private
Washington Free Beacon ^ | 12/14/17 | Jack Heretik / FR Posted by x1stcav
After she lost her presidential bid, Hillary Clinton sais she struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports. Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were "personal" materials and "unclassified, non-record materials."
Judicial Watch made the revelation after filing a FOIA request with the State Department and obtaining a record of the agreement. The newly released documents show the deal allowed Clinton and Abedin to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules, and the records would not be "released to the general public under FOIA."The released records included a list of designated materials that "would not be released to the general public under FOIA" and were to be released "to the Secretary with this understanding."
<><> Her aide, Human Abedin, was allowed to secretly remove electronic records and five boxes of physical files, including files labeled "Muslim Engagement Documents."
<><> Electronic copy of "daily files" which are word versions of public documents and non-records: speeches/press statements/photos from the website, a non-record copy of the schedule, a non record copy of the call log, press clips, and agenda of daily activities
<><> Electronic copy of a log of calls the Secretary made since 2004, it is a non-record, since her official calls are logged elsewhere (official schedule and official call log) Electronic copy of the Secretarys "call grid" which is a running list of calls she wants to make (both personal and official)
<><>16 boxes: Personal Schedules (1993 thru 2008-prior to the Secretarys tenure at the Department of State (unverifiable)
<><> 29 boxes: Miscellaneous Public Schedules during her tenure as FLOTUS and Senator-prior to the Secretarys tenure at the Department of State
<><> 1 box: Personal Reimbursable receipts (6/25/2009 thru 1/14/2013) 1 box: Personal Photos 1 box: Personal schedule (2009-2013)
<><> A physical file of "the log of the Secretarys gifts with pictures of gifts" was also handed over to Clinton. Gifts received by government employees is highly regulated, and often strictly limited. However, gifts that are "motivated by a family relationship or personal friendship" may be accepted without limitation.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton released a statement condemning the agreement between the government and Clinton. "We already know the Obama State Department let Hillary Clinton steal and then delete her government emails, which included classified information. But these new records show that was only part of the scandal," Fitton said. "These new documents show the Obama State Department had a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her calls logs and schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA and other laws."
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