Those Parkland Policy Failures
Do Florida pols fear law suits if hearings do get held ?
But legal action against the school is being filed
While such questions raised by the above headlines remain to be answered through investigations and hearings conducted by state and federal agencies.Hearings which the media should be demanding be conducted. However the failures of the policies known as PROMISE are being slowly doled out. Which only reported students engaged in criminal activity after a 5th offense according a guest on to radio talk host Joe Pags show. Pags has been guest interviewing the father, Andrew Pollack, of one of the victims, daughter Meadow, on his show who instituted a law suit against the school board
.Promise seems to have been handled like a boring basketball game with the ball (Promise) being dribbled all around the court (of public opinion) instead of going for a 3 pointer or a slam dunk.
Instead the nations attention is being diverted and driven by the media’s cable tv alphabet swill mills and regurgitated by the print so called “gate keeprs” NY Times, Washington Post all focued on guns and perverting the 2nd amendment. When instead they should be focusing on the examining of failed policies That allowed those 17 murders to occur .The Parkland case, their security system had a dismal record concerning student safety and security that should be brought to public discussion particularly beginning with this school having a so called gun free zone. From what has been reported .This school system did have an understanding with the Broward County Sheriff Dept. An officer who may be armed assigned to patrol the multi acre site in a golf cart, but did it ban guns from being displayed by the rest of its internal security ?
Criticism arose when the officer assigned to this duty who was nearing retirement was reported to arrive late and after Cruz had entered the building. The officer stationed himself outside the large structure and had called for support. Two BCSD officers responded Which and did the same seeming to refusing to enter the building while armed . He then left before the shooter Cruz did.
Also responding was the Coral Springs PD who did not have this gun restriction entered the building and cleared it. Cruz was captured while fleeing with other students by an alert CSPD officer off the 45 acre campus. While para medics were denied entrance by the BCSD to see if they could save any of the victims.
Those laissez faire attitudes strongly suggest examining records beside the interaction between the BCSD and this school board also calls for a review how the bureaucracy at this school handled student vs student, and student vs teacher (Cruz was accused of this) altercations, vandalism, thefts, and drug use. Which are bound to occur were being dealt with.To which a dramatic reduction in disciplinary incidents were reported after the selection of Obama’s friend as school superintendent occurred which was publicly acclaimed.and was receiving large grant from Obama’s Attorrney General because of those results. That many critics claimed encouraged criminal activity. Which should require the US Attorney General to review these grant programs instituted by the previous Obama administration. Along with looking at FBI policies which knew about the shooter but failed to prevent his purchases or monitor his activities
Because of these Ding Bat liberal policies it brings up another question. Just how safe and secure were those kids ? .Examine records reporting how student vs student, and student vs teacher altercations, vandalism, and thefts, which are bound to occur were being dealt with. Beside the arrangements with the BCSD.
Because in an educational unit this size it is pretty clear their security system failed . In a secure system the shooter Nicholas Cruz would have never gotten within the grounds let alone inside
. Now that school board has decided to tear down the school which was probably raised by a funding referendums and the grounds house a memorial
Well automobile manufacturers are going to take a dive. Obviously they’re complicit in all the car crashes out there period that cause far more fatalities than guns ever did. I’m not sure about that but I’m guessing it’s true.
Parkland victims sue, calling gun maker and seller complicit in massacre
Another trip and fall liar for hire that is going to collect regardless of the outcome.
Effing lawyers.
Federal law is not.
I’m ready to sue Parkland victims for violating my civil rights.
To Hell with them.
I have guns, knives, pressure cookers, poison, gasoline, matches, a large car....
I do not Kill anyone with any of these possible weapons!
Nor would I ever.
A man in West Columbia Texas was beaten to death with a tennis racket. A Houston man was almost beaten to death with a shovel..... Just about anything can be used as a deadly weapon....
Attorneys who encouraged this should lose their law licenses
Short answer, they will lose. This has been tried many times with all sorts of companies. They always fail on proximate cause as well as cause in fact. Selling legal goods does not give rise to liability when they are misused by a third party.
Because they sent them to their deaths in a public school shooting gallery that was set up by the school administration, the local sheriff's department, and the FBI.
Ok? So should they sue other companies for chemicals used in bombs? How about the truck companies for massacres in France, Germany, UK?
This is absurd.
File a countersuit for extortion and bankrupt these traitors.
When someone is killed by a car, do you sue the car manufacturer or the dealership that sold the car? When someone is stabbed do you sue the cutlery company, the maker of the knife? It is so outlandish that a judge would allow such a suit.