I disagree—they should be like 19th century madhouses. Those madhouses seem to have done a pretty good job. I guess Hollywood movies get people weirded out about them. But you can't argue with success. That was a far saner world than the present.
Hollywood probably didnt like the madhouses because so many liberals ended up there.
"That same year columnist Charles Krauthammer expanded Moynihans point by proposing the reverse that not only were we normalizing what was once considered deviant, but we were also finding deviant what was once considered normal."
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association voted that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness.
Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away
Since then, much behavior that's harmful to the individual, harmful to others, or harmful to both the individual and to others has been normalized.
Celebrating Columbine ("Columbiners") is not normal. See a psychiatrist. (Unfortunately, the psychiatrist may well say, "What's wrong with that? I'm a Columbiner, too!")