I like how the author breaks it down district by district, to make it easier for the voter to locate his or her district's candidates.
I don't know these candidates. I'm just posting this thread with the intent that some may find it helpful.
At the bottom of the web page, there are links to other states and conservative candidates. If I get time, I will try to post each state separately.
Mccain in waiting. Should be primaried. An utter disgrace to the Conservative movement.
Website is a utter clown show. More of the “Never Trumper” idiocy from the fake “Movement Conservatives”.
Yes, IF Never Trumper are too stupid to learn that 80% of what you want is MUCH better then 100% of what you oppose, then they need to be politically destroyed. They are the best Propaganda bots for the Democrat Party out there.
Let start with the obvious nonsense in this article.
CONGRESS, not Trump, appropriates. That this clown show blames Trump indicates an infantile political idiocy that is simply inexcusable in a suppose news site.
This Movement Conservative fetish for political self sabotage needs stop NOW. The Republic is under assault. There is NO time for this knowing, willing political undermining of the ONLY people actively fighting the Left.
This is the same willing propagandizing for the enemy Lord Haw Haw or Tokyo Rose did in WW2. It is the political equivalent of treason.
You don’t need to even consider everything Trump has accomplished for Conservative, all you need to do is focus on his Judges.
On Judges alone Trump has been the best Movement Conservative President to date.
So it is PAST time for Moment Conservatives in the Never Trump clown show stop pouting they lost the 2016 GOP Primaries
This site refers to Congressman Brett Guthrie as “Bill Gutherie.”