Where do these stories keep coming from?
Don't we know everything by now?
What's the implication here? That then candidate Trump, and all his family, friends, campaign workers, etc. should never have met with anyone who was not a US citizen? That's not very realistic, particularly in the light of all of businessman Trump's international contacts. He couldn't just immediately cut himself off from everything in his former life.
Oh, and while we're at it, how many foreign contacts did Clinton and members of her campaign have? How many international contacts through Clinton Crime Inc? Oh, I mean the Clinton Foundation... How many tens of millions did they rake in from foreign donors? People in glass houses...
Note these countries OPPOSE Russia in the Middle East.
The ‘RATS need to step back, take a deep breath and allow their “Russki collusion” fiasco time to fizzle out before inventing another bogus fiasco. Mueller is already chasing his tail with the Russki thing. Give the boy a break.
no controlling legal authority.
The American people are beyond sick of the Liberal garbage being thrown at us 24/7 out of their MSM Liberal propaganda machine. They’re trying to send us over the edge with their crapola. All they’re doing is proving what evil vermin they are.
Where are their stories about Obama’s lies, Hillary’s lies, Mueller’s lies, Brennan’s lies, Clapper’s lies, Schumer’s lies, Pelosi’s lies, and the Liberal list of traitors and liars goes on and on and on.
Well, I know it is a rhetorical question, but we should always name them and hold them to the standard.
The Special Counsel leaked it.
That is illegal.
Find the leaker(s) and prosecute them.
Investigate how it happened, who authorized it, and question everyone under oath. Find out if they lied about ANYTHING, and prosecute them for perjury.
It's more of a crime than collusion, after all.
Turnabout is fair play, after all.
Didn't Jesus say those who lived by the sword would also perish by the sword?
Isn’t Nader the child mollester who fled the country?
Great source, that one.
I met DJT Jr. in a bar in NY back in early 2016 and offered to help the campaign since I had a friend who is married to a gal from the Ukraine.........
In August 2016 every major news source in America was predicting that Hillary Clinton would win.
The “Persian Gulf adviser” who offered to help Trump win must have been a political imbecile!
(1) There was a 90% chance that his money or his efforts would be completely wasted.
(2) If Hillary Clinton found out about it, this “adviser” would be a political pariah in the USA for the next eight years.
Wait till the information about Jr meeting with the officials from Luxembourg is released. Then they will have Him.
There is no shortage of lies from the Goebbelsmedia.
I think "Media Matters" writes them. That is their job, right?
They are resurrecting old news that never panned out because they are sensing that they lost....