Some frogs were hanging out on my above ground pool deck I think they were contemplating the reproductive jazz.
Got tired of listening to their love song and introduced them to my badminton racket.
Nice and quiet.
Dunno about climate change but a swift blow to these unwelcome croakers caused Climax Change!! Ho ho
Try a “9” iron!
I remember the story of the now extinct golden toad which was once abundant in the costa rican forests of monte verde (a mecca for eco hipsters). Sightings of the golden toad started to become more and more rare, and the world eco hipsters began to become very concerned that global warming was killing the toads. Soon eco hipsters from all over the world began pilgrimages to monte verde to study the effects of global warming on the golden toad. More and more people with more and more equipment were trudging all over the forest in search of the poor golden toad no doubt frying their in the tropical cloud forest.
Eventually, the last toad was spotted, and sadly the golden toad was pronounced extinct.
Post mortem on the golden toads showed that global warming was not the cause of the toads demise. The cause was a fungus carried on the soles of the boots and spread all across the previously pristine cloud forest by hordes of eco hipster scientists looking to prove the toads were dying of global warming