“But the point about liberal principles is that they think this is what the majority want.”
If they believed that, they wouldn’t be so desperate to import compliant voters. They’re trying to create a majority that agrees with what they want. Just long enough, that is, for them to change the rules so that they won’t have to pay attention to that pesky majority anymore.
First of all we must quit calling them Liberals. What they are is Progressives and proud of it.
Now to define Progressives, they are openly working to progress the country to full on Communism.
We should call them Marxists and Communists, even socialist is too soft of a term.
Democrats openly advocate for policies that will result in the total destruction of our system.
They don’t care if only 1 person is on their side.
Give them a dictator with their “noble” ideals and they are quite happy, screw elections and opinions.
They are not to be debated with or compromised, they must be defeated then destroyed.
After the coming open hostilities are over, those who fought on their side must not be allowed the right to vote or bear children within the borders of this country ever again. If we want to ever live within a Constitutional form of government with guaranteed Rights, they must be eliminated.
Life in prison, deportation or ?some other solution?
To defeat our enemy, we must become like the very worst of the dictators, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin or Hitler.
I don’t advocate for it, but that is the only choices available. These people can never be compromised, or negotiated with.
I predict we will choose the slow boiling pot and extinction as a country myself, but I am given over to black moods.