I can guarantee you if this were an image of Obama, EVERY NEWS OUTLET IN AMERICA would have it as their top story.
So does this charter school operate on federal tax dollars? Maybe Betsy DeVos can cut off their funding til the mural is changed - they already hate her anyway.
The America hating Mexicans are at it again. An Aztec spear? ROTFL.
Right there is a perfect example of what is wrong with our so called “public schools”. That Trump head could be the head of any Caucasian American. The Parkland “survivors” may want to take a good look at the “mural”. That head is their head.
There should be another mural made and posted right next to this one with the artist’s head on a spike. Can even use a photograph of the head just to make sure there’s no confusion about who’s head it is.
If it’s just art then what’s good for the goose...
bad artist - looks a little like trump but more like al gore to me.
Typical. The “artist” creates an obscenity like this, then whines when she’s attacked. She should be a tarred and feathered. Two coats.
In the Good Old Days, the FBI would have earned their pay by visiting them and demanding a few explanations. But (sigh) not any more.
Hire another artist, draw the same thing right next to this painting, replace DJT with Obama, and watch the reaction.
They would scream!
Snowflakes need to be protected from any idea, word, or image that might offend them, but they have a blank check to offend others, even with blatantly violent imagery.
I say good. At least they are honest about their feelings and about violence. And don’t whine when to get your a$$ whipped.
The Aztecs were this Hemisphere’s version of Nazi Germany, so this isn’t surprising. The only difference is our culture and schools TOLERATE and even CELEBRATE the Aztec Nazis, but leave out their horrific atrocities.
Paint the wall after stripping off existing paint.
Ya, Mexican “indigenous” are treated so fairly by the Mexican elite.
Dumbass beaner can’t even ‘splain Mexican history.
The public school has turned into a mental institution whose task is getting a generation of people hooked on the addictive emotion of hate. They have degenerated into a third world education system unsuitable for competition in the world economy.
Chula Vista (AKA Chulajuana). I always thought the residents, in general were Beaners. But i guess Aztec looks better than Beaner on a letter jacket. (I know that seems raciss, but not sorry here. The purveyor of this mural crap should be charged for grafitti then made to pay for its removal.)
Regardless of whose head is shown, does anyone think that showing a decapitated head is appropriate for a public school mural? I thought the public schools were all against violence.
Your government tax dollars at work.
The MAAC Community Charter School is 96.7% hispanic.
Demographics is destiny. One half of all K-12 students in California are hispanic. The future is certain. Whoever painted that may be Governor of California one day.
Gang grafitti
Needs to be painted over like all othe gang grafitti