Their mountain cave-in has set them back considerably, so they need something new and dramatic in order to play for more time to rebuild, perhaps even a couple of decades.
that’s probably why they’re pulling, this time.
North Korea isn’t the only Kim it’s also a Cadre of generals.
who really thinks if young Kim completely discarded their nuclear program that he could survive a coup from the generals..?
“North Korea isnt the only Kim its also a Cadre of generals. who really thinks if young Kim completely discarded their nuclear program that he could survive a coup from the generals..?”
And that is the big issue. The generals have had the real power and the Kim family rules at their pleasure. Kim is essentially a puppet. Or a hostage. Over on twitter Thomas Wictor is wondering whether someone eliminated all of those generals in a night of the long knives, freeing little Kim to do what we are now seeing.