Try comparing one of todays large SUV to a Cadillac or Lincoln from the late 60’s or early 70’s. Those cars were huge. The size of parking spots have changed. The current SUV’s are easier to drive because you sit higher up. (The drivers have gotten worse, not the cars). If you compare the current larger SUV to four door sedans from the late 30’s they are rather similar in size and height.
There is really nothing new under the sun.
You are right about "the driver has changed". More females driving, AND more third worlder immigrants who immediately get into cars and reap havoc upon us all on the roads. ADD to this the 'texting' madness and it's a miracle any of us survive driving. I can't tell you how many times I've glanced in my rear view mirror and the person behind me is checking their phones or TEXTING, ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!